Faith, Justice and Formation

SPC Winter Sleep Out 2024

The SPC Annual Winter Sleep Out will take place on Friday 26 July (Term 3, Week 1). Students and staff will sleep overnight at the College and experience some of what it might be like to sleep rough. All details for the event can be found in the hard copy documentation that can be collected by students from my office at the College from lunch tomorrow or found on their year group CANVAS pages.


There will be a limit of 25 places per year group from Year 5 to Year 12 (if not all places are filled, they can be taken by boys from other year groups), plus all boys from JSH, FIAT and SJAG. Notes can only be handed in from Friday 21 June (second last week of term) – it will be a first in, first served basis. They will be handed in to me on the Hickey balcony from the start of Recess. The deadline will be Wednesday 26 June. To secure a place, forms must be complete and signed and the $20 fee attached.


We invite participants to raise funds for homelessness through sponsorship, but this is not compulsory. Participation in the Winter Sleep Out earns five SOL Service points, but more importantly for all it is an exercise in empathy and solidarity.


If you need any more information after reading the documentation you are welcome to contact me on

Adult Winter Sleep Out

In solidarity with our sons and to increase our own empathy we will also be offering a Winter Sleep Out for parents/carers and friends of the College. You will sleep out in the undercover areas near the Hall, have a simple meal together and share in some empathy exercises around homelessness and people living on the margins. It will cost $20 to participate – covering costs and making a donation to homeless services at SVDP.


We will be running this evening on Friday 16 August, with more details sent to those who are interested. You will NOT be able to come on the student night, only the designated Parent Sleep Out.


We’d love as many people as possible to fill in the form at this link – one question only to show us the level of interest from the community: Expression of Interest for Adult Winter Sleep Out


In the words of one mother – “I see the impact justice activities have had on my son in his time at the College and I want to be a part of it or experience similar.” It’s an opportunity you may want, appreciate, or even need, so we urge you to consider this simple way of connecting more with our most marginalised.

Request for Parent Helpers 

If anyone has some time and skills, but more importantly willingness, I am looking for two simple one-off jobs to be done for the Chapel and liturgies at the College. 


Somebody willing to polish all of the brass work in the Chapel to help restore it to its former glory. 


Somebody who could sew some hems on the pieces of fabric we use for liturgical celebrations. 


If you are willing and able, please email me at to volunteer. 

Thanks to all the great parents/carers who already volunteer to help with the Chapel clean – an unsung but very important role. You do a brilliant job!! Thank-you so much. 


Gillian Daley 

Director of Identity