Deputy Principal

Cultural Co-curricular

Over the last week it was pleasing to see our students excel in cultural co-curricular activities.


Last Monday I witnessed Theatresports in the Robson auditorium. Theatresports is a form of improvisational theatre. Teams compete against each other based on unseen scenes and they literally have five seconds to prepare. They go through a series of rounds where they are scored by judges. Our Senior team comprising of Michael, Max, Isaac, Declan, and Simon as well as our Intermediate team comprising of Xavier, George, Declan, Lucas and Pablo, performed extremely well. Both teams are through to the semi-finals which will be held tonight and tomorrow night at the College. We wish them well.


Last Friday night I went to Santa Sabina where our debating teams competed in the CSDA competition. It was a tough night of competition, and the honours were equally shared with six debates being won by each school. I was fortunate to watch our Senior A team comprising of our Captain of Debating Luke as well as Elijah and Jeremy. It was great to see a big crowd, with over 80 of our Year 12 students and staff turning up to see our young men in action. It was a very close debate which saw us narrowly defeated. The skill shown by our team was simply outstanding and they were so humble and gracious in defeat. 

Founder’s Day

As the capacity of our College continues to grow, we will being making some changes to Founder’s Day dismissal on Friday 7 June. To facilitate easier pick-up, students will be dismissed at the following times.

  • Years 5 and 6: Dismissed at 12:45 PM

If Years 5 and 6 students are required to wait for older siblings, they will be supervised in the Westcourt Library until 2:00 PM.

  • Years 7 – 12: Dismissed at 2:00 PM. Please note that the school will close at 2:00 PM that day and all students must be off campus at this time.

Further details regarding Founder’s Day will follow in the coming weeks.


Adrian Byrne

Deputy Principal