Parents and Friends

Annual Blue Black and Gold Dinner: A Night to Remember

Last Friday night, our community gathered for the much-anticipated Blue Black and Gold Dinner at the beautiful Le Montage, and it was nothing short of spectacular. The event was a resounding success, filled with delicious food, great music, and delightful company.

The evening was brilliantly hosted by the incomparable Rob Shehadie, who kicked off the night with a hilarious comedy act that had everyone in stitches. Rob’s charisma and wit set the tone for the evening, and we are immensely grateful to him for volunteering his time to ensure our event was a triumph.

Throughout the night, the room was abuzz with laughter, fun, and lively conversation. The atmosphere was electric as guests enjoyed the sumptuous meal and danced to fantastic music. It was a night where memories were made, and the spirit of our community shone brightly.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who attended and supported the event. Your presence and enthusiasm made the evening unforgettable. Special thanks to Rob Shehadie for his outstanding contribution to the night’s success.

Volunteers Required:Year 7 Supporters' Day Barbeque - Saturday 25 May

As we reflect on the joy of the Blue Black and Gold Dinner, we now look forward to our next community gathering. This Saturday, we are hosting a barbeque at the school, and we are calling for volunteers to lend a hand. If you can spare just one hour to either cook or serve, your help would be greatly appreciated.


Year 7 Supporters Day Barbeque.


Thank you once again for your continued support, and we hope to see you on Saturday!


Parents' and Friends' Committee