Wellbeing News

Deep Fakes and Cyber/Digital Literacy


In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, it’s crucial for our young people to develop strong cyber literacy skills. One of the emerging challenges they face is the phenomenon of deep fakes.


What Are Deep Fakes?


Deep fakes are highly realistic digital forgeries created using artificial intelligence. These manipulations can make people appear to say or do things they never did, which can be convincingly real to the untrained eye. Initially used in entertainment, deep fakes have now proliferated across social media, often with malicious intent, including misinformation, harassment, and privacy violations.


Why Is Cyber Literacy Important?


Critical Thinking and Verification: With the prevalence of deep fakes, it’s essential for students to learn how to critically assess online content. Teaching them to verify the authenticity of videos and images helps them discern reality from fabrication.

Responsible Digital Citizenship: Understanding the ethical implications of deep fakes fosters a sense of responsibility. Students learn to respect others’ digital identities and avoid spreading potentially harmful content.


Security Awareness: Awareness of deep fakes is a key part of overall cybersecurity. Recognising these manipulations can help prevent identity theft, fraud, and protect personal information.


How Can Parents Help?

Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in digital technology and cybersecurity threats. There are many online resources and community programs that can provide valuable insights.


Open Dialogue: Encourage conversations about online experiences. Discuss the importance of questioning the authenticity of what they see online and sharing doubts or concerns with trusted adults.


Educational Resources: Utilise educational tools and resources provided by the school. Many platforms offer tutorials and guides on spotting deep fakes and understanding digital media.


Model Good Practices: Demonstrate good cyber habits at home. Show your children how you verify sources, question unusual content, and protect your personal information online.

By fostering an environment where digital literacy is prioritized, we empower our young people to navigate the online world safely and responsibly. Together, we can help them build the skills needed to discern truth from deception, making them savvy and secure digital citizens.


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