Legal Studies

Legal Studies Supreme Court Visit

On May 15, our Year 12 Legal Studies students ventured into the city to explore the beating heart of the judicial system. Our first stop was the venerable halls of justice at the Supreme Court of Victoria, where students were treated to a private meeting with his honour, Justice Champion. He spoke about career opportunities in the legal system, the intricacies of the trial process, and concluded with a Q and A.


Our eager learners were able to observe proceedings of a criminal trial unfold before their eyes. This first-hand experience provided a profound insight into the complexities of legal proceedings, bringing to life the theoretical knowledge students have diligently been studying as part of their coursework. Such an immersive encounter not only deepened their understanding of the legal system but also sparked thought-provoking discussions on the principles of justice and the rule of law.


Accompanied by their teachers, the students were also able to visit the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) where they delved into the realm of dispute resolution and the role of tribunals in resolving civil disputes. The highlight of the day, however, was undoubtedly the opportunity for students to step into the shoes of civil litigants themselves. Engaging in a simulated hearing at VCAT, where they honed their advocacy skills as they argued their cases before a mock tribunal.


MICHAEL NICASSIO, Legal Studies Teacher