Junior School

Junior School is well underway with planning for the Year 7 Experience in the city in Term 4. A reminder to all families that the deposit is due on 10 June and all final costing will be based on the number of students who have indicated that they will attend camp. We will not be able to accept late payments of this deposit for this reason. 


A detailed overview of the camp and the program is available on Compass for families to review. One exciting new addition to the program this year is a 2 hour session at the indoor rock climbing centre in the city! Students are already starting to talk about camp and are looking forward to the adventure.


A reminder that all Year 7 families are invited to our in school screening of the 2040 Documentary on 26 June at 6:30pm. The documentary will launch our Term 3 focus on Sustainability. Younger members of the family are also welcome to attend.


This is a free event and tickets will be available to be booked from next week.

MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader