
Purpose    I    Positive Emotions    I   Relationships   I   Meaning    I    Accomplishment

Our wellbeing focus is derived from the evidence based Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships curriculum (developed by a team from the Youth Research Centre, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne). 


Further information about Respectful Relationships education can be found at:  https://www.vic.gov.au/respectful-relationships


Our whole school approach will be strengthened by a partnership with Professor Lea Waters who is facilitating professional learning at HPS. Visible Wellbeing is the culmination of 20 years of high-impact research in psychology and education conducted and published by Professor Lea Waters. 


At the core of VWB is the SEARCH framework, developed by Professor Waters.


For further research visit - Visible Wellbeing.


By the end of Level 6:

  • Students describe different ways to express emotions and the relationship between emotions and behaviour. 
  • They describe the influence that personal qualities and strengths have on achieving success. 
  • They undertake some extended tasks independently and describe task progress. 
  • They identify and describe personal attributes important in developing resilience.
  • They recognise and appreciate the uniqueness of all people. 
  • They are able to explain how individual, social and cultural differences may increase vulnerability to stereotypes. 
  • They identify characteristics of respectful relationships. 
  • They contribute to groups and teams suggesting improvements for methods used in group projects and investigations. 
  • They identify causes and effects of conflict and explain different strategies to defuse or resolve conflict situations.


In Term 2, Year 6 students will be looking at emotional management and positive coping.

Activities in this unit will assist students to:

  • develop personal affirmations
  • role play relevant scenarios
  • utilise poitive self-talk
  • develop calming strategies

We encourage you to continue these discussions at home, engaging in conversations about what your child has been learning in their Wellbeing sessions.  If you have any concerns about topics raised, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.