
Number & Algebra   I   Measurement & Geometry   I   Statistics & Probability

In Mathematics, students learn through a combination of explicit teaching focuses and open-ended problem-solving tasks.  Every topic is taught at the students' points of need to give them the flexibility to extend and support their learning, as needed.  Connections between the three domains (Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; Statistics and Probability) are emphasised, to help students consolidate their understandings. We focus on the four capabilities of understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem-solving in each topic.

Number & Algebra  

  • define and describe a fraction
  • represent fractions in different ways to show our understanding
  • convert between improper and mixed fractions
  • find equivalent fractions by placing & locating fractions on a number line
  • compare the value of fractions
  • use equivalence to solve a problem solving task
  • simplify fractions
  • apply an understanding of fraction values to a problem-solving task
  • utilise division and place value to convert between fractions and decimals
  • convert fractions, decimals and percentages
  • calculate fractions of a quantity
  • apply the four operations to fractions
  • multiply and divide by powers of ten

Measurement & Geometry

  • knowing units of measurement
  • converting units of measurement
  • ractions in area and perimeter

Statistics & Probability

  • apply probability to events, using fractions, decimals and percentages
  • compare predicted and observed outcomes
  • calculate expected probability
  • describing data using fractions