General Information & Reminders

Year 6 Teaching Team

  • 6A - Anne Hostein
  • 6B - Max Attwood
  • 6C - Sharon Dowling (M, T, W) & Alana Graham (Th, Fr)


  • We ask that only school apps be visible on the home screen of a student's iPad. Other home/ game-related apps should be in a folder on another screen. 
  • It's very tempting, but please do not message your child during school time. Students are not permitted to message during a school day, consistent with the Department of Education's statewide policy. If you want to pass on a message to your child, this should be done through the main office.


  • Homework will be posted from week to week and will be handed in via Google Classroom. There will be some exceptions to this during the year.
  • For reading (Holes by Louis Sachar), the students will be allocated chapters to read each week, Monday to Friday. They will also complete a response sheet about the reading.
  • There will be revision homework for maths and possibly some research homework for inquiry.
  • It is highly recommended that students set up a homework schedule so that homework tasks are not left to the last few nights. This is an important organisational skill necessary for a successful transition to secondary school.
  • Please ask your child to explain to you what the homework tasks are and how they are planning to complete them. It's always a great opportunity to give feedback by reading your child's homework responses before they hand them in to Google Classroom or bring on paper back to school. 
  • We expect students to check and edit their work before submitting tasks.
  • It is highly recommended that students set up a homework schedule so that homework tasks are not left to the last few nights. This is an important organisational skill necessary for a successful transition to secondary school.

If you ever have any queries or concerns, feel free to contact us via Compass email.