Focus on Learning

Stage 2 - Miss Humphrey

Stage 2 - Independent Learners 


This term stage 2 has levelled up our responsibility and started taking initiative when it comes to our classroom and our learning. Our theme this term is becoming an independent learner. An independent learner is someone who makes good learning choices, takes pride in their work and tries their best even when they find the learning difficult or frustrating.


There are a few new tools that have been integrated into our space this term. The first is our “Ready to learn” ladder. Each day we all start on “ready to learn” as each day is a new day and we make the choice to show up and learn respectfully. When our students are making amazing choices, whether that is moving away from a distraction, answering questions or trying something new they can move up our ladder. If a student continuously reaches super student status, they can be rewarded with a Star Student Award

 When we see choices being made which go against our co-constructed classroom expectations, students can receive a warning to change their behaviour, if this continues a second warning is given and after a third this is when parents or carers may be notified of continuous interruptions to our classroom. 


There will always be the opportunity to come back up to “ready to learn”!


Another fun addition to our classroom is our job roster. Each week, 8 students will get the opportunity to be responsible for an aspect of our classroom routine. We have laptop liaisons; who manage the chromebook station, ensuring they are put away in a timely manner and charged. Librarians and book monitors; who hand out and collect books throughout the day and help in the library. We have a chief organiser; these students ensure our resources and stationary are in order and organised. And finally, we have a Lunch order lad/ lady; these students are responsible for collecting and handing out lunch orders on Fridays. 


The introduction of these tools into our classroom, not only gives students responsibility for their learning and classroom, but, it provides students with a sense of ownership over our collective space and learning goals. 


Real Talk

On Wednesday this week, the amazing team from Real Talk came in and spoke with our primary students. In stage 2 the focus was Getting Real in the Digital World. This session started with a discussion on self-worth, highlighting the value and importance that each individual has, reminding us that we are one of a kind and that is amazing!


Students watched some fun videos that exposed the reality of the online world, and how not everything we see is as real as it seems. The Real Talk team spoke with our class about what social media platforms are out there and some of the risks associated with using these online tools. Further, we talked about cyber safety and what to do when we feel unsafe or get ourselves into trouble online. 


One of the key takeaways from the session was why it is important to never share your details online, or accept friend requests from people that we do not know online. Stage 2 loved this opportunity and I can truly say we all learnt something!