
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching

Dear Parents/Guardians 


I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you are able to enjoy the sunny Autumn days.

Attached to this newsletter is a ‘How To Guide’ for accessing student subject information on Compass, this will help you find each subject page and provides instructions on navigating its features. 


Year 10 and 11 Examinations

Year 11 Examinations run between Thursday 6th June – Thursday 13th June inclusive. The last day of Year 11 Unit 1 classes will be Wednesday 5th June. Year 10 Examinations run between Tuesday 11th – Thursday 13th June inclusive. The last day of Year 10 classes is Friday 7th June. Year 10 students complete an English, Mathematics and Science exam and students studying a language will also complete a Language exam. Students currently undertaking a Unit 1 & 2 subject will also complete an exam in this subject.

Students are expected to be at school 30 minutes before the scheduled start time and are to attend in full academic uniform. Students will be dismissed from school grounds following the conclusion of their exam. If students wish to stay on site to study, there are welcome to use the library.


Absence from Examinations

Students who are absent for examinations will not be able to reschedule them. Students who have a medical certificate or another approved reason will be marked as Not Assessed while students who do not have an approved reason (including family holiday) will be marked as Not Submitted. Students are able to request a copy of the exam to complete it in their own time and receive feedback. They can only receive a copy after all other students have completed the exam. Please forward a copy of the medical certificate and/or reason to Mr John Andritsos.

Ten Exam Preparation Tips for Students

Here are ten tips to help with exam preparation

  • Make a revision timetable.
  • Write a list of everything that you need to revise for each subject, use a traffic light system to rate your confidence in each area and focus on trouble areas but also review the areas you feel confident it.
  • Create an environment conducive to study. Make sure you have a light, clear space with no distractions – put your phone in a different room and laptop notifications are switched off. If you do not have space at home, revise in MRC, state library or another local library.
  • Revise in small chunks of 20 minutes with 5 minute breaks.
  • Make summary notes. Try different strategies to see what works for you; draw mind maps, write flash cards, try the Cornell notetaking method, create graphic organisers summarise and resummarise notes (they should be getting more concise each time), record and listen to your notes, 
  • Teach someone else
  • Test yourself or ask someone else to test you.
  • Complete practice exams and mark them or ask for feedback from teachers or friends, redo questions that you found difficult or got wrong.
  • Create study groups with peers (make sure they are productive and don’t become social!)
  • Look after yourself; prioritise sleep, drink plenty of water, eat healthily and reward yourself.

If you have any questions or wish to provide any feedback, please feel free to contact me.

Lucy Neil

Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching

Compass How to Guide