
Maths with Mr. Bigger

Supermarket Maths

The supermarket can be a great place to bring mathematics into real world contexts. Try some of these ideas with your child to test and practice their mathematical thinking.


1. Cost of Meals

  • Step 1: If you’re planning a meal or even multiple meals, plan out the menu with your child before going to the store.
  • Step 2:  Make a list of items you will need and the quantity of each item.
  • Step 3: As you are collecting the items at the grocery store, have your child write down the cost of each item. For produce, make sure to weigh the items and have them determine the price before going to the cashier.

2. Best Value Buys

  • Step 1: Using an item from your shopping list, find two brands of the same item in different sizes.
  • Step 2: Record the weight and price for each item.
  • Step 3: Calculate which one is the better buy based on price per unit.

3. Rounding Receipts

  • Step 1: Save all receipts from your shopping trip.
  • Step 2: Have your child round each item price to the nearest $0.10, $0.50 and/or $1.00.
  • Step 3: Calculate the total using each method. Compare.

4. Shopping Carts and Baskets

  • Use the shopping carts and baskets for a few activities.
  • What are the dimensions? What is the capacity? How many cereal boxes can fit inside? (Make sure to put all the boxes back!)

5. How many items on the shelf?

  • Step 1: Choose a section of the shelf that is organised well. Spices, canned foods and cereal boxes work well.
  • Step 2: Have your child estimate the amount of the item on that section of the shelf.
  • Step 3: Count the exact amount and compare it to the estimation.