Principal's Message

Dear Families,
Welcome to our newsletter for this fortnight. We are now over the halfway mark and have lots to complete before the end of the term!
Prep Enrolments 2025 Open: On Wednesday 29th of May we held our prep information evening. Families had the opportunity to see our facilities and hear about our programs. We continue to take prep enrolments for the 2025 school year. Children turning 5 before 30th April 2025 are eligible to attend school in 2025. All children have a guaranteed place in their local school. If you have a child or know of somebody who has a child due to start school in 2025, please feel free to make an appointment through our front office for a tour.
Year 7 Enrolments: Next week, secondary schools are letting us know when applications have not been accepted by them. The process then involves us forwarding the application to the 2nd, then 3rd preference. Secondary schools need to know the number of students they are expecting to attend in 2025 so they can plan for staffing, subjects they offer and individual support for transition as required. If your decision is to attend a non-government school, you are still required to complete the documentation based on Department of Education policy. Please contact our office or Ms Taylah Rees if you need further information regarding this process.
Education Week – Open Classrooms: Last week we held our Open Classrooms for parents/carers to come into classrooms and be part of children’s learning. Thank you to those parents/carers who were able to take the time to come into their child’s classrooms and be part of the learning.
Our School Uniform Policy: Last week we communicated on COMPASS a friendly reminder regarding our uniform policy. Over time we have noticed our girls wearing very short bicycle style shorts. Please note that these shorts are not part of our school uniform. Can parents/carers please have a conversation with your children regarding our school uniform and the wearing of these shorts. Shorts can be worn under the A Line skort, pinafore or the winter skirt. Please see our school website for our policy regarding school uniform.
Thanking you all in advance for your support with this matter.
Visiting Artists in Visual Arts: Mrs Tabone successfully organised various visiting artists to join in our Visual Arts program. Each artist will have the opportunity to work with classes on various projects that will be available for families to purchase during our Art Show. Some of these artists have now started to work with students and cohorts of students.
- Prep Students are working with Karen Ralph in Weeks 10 and 11
- Year 1 Students are working with Jennifer Welsford in Weeks 7 and 8
- Year 2 Students are working with Bree Morrison in Weeks 8 and 9
- Year 3 and 4 Students are working with Antoinette Preston in Weeks 7 and 8
- Year 5 Students are working with Simon Martin in Weeks 9 and 10
- Year 6 Students are working with Marina Zakryszka in Weeks 7 and 8
We thank all of the above mentioned artists and look forward to our Art Show, capably organised and led by Mrs Tabone. Our Art Show will be held in our school gym on Thursday 12th September, please save this date.
Our School Chaplain:
Nikki Gallus, our school chaplain is currently overseas on a family trip and will be back with us on Monday 17th June. During Nikki's absence, Mrs Matthews will be running breakfast club on Tuesday mornings.
Families who require support or need to chat with someone regards their child's wellbeing, please contact our school office and ask for one of the Principal Class team or Donna Matthews - our leading teacher Wellbeing and Inclusion.
I am wishing all in our community a safe and restful week-end.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.