Road Safety

Driving and parking safely around school zones
Keeping our kids safe as they get to and from school is everyone’s responsibility.
As kids come to and from school it’s important for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists to be aware and take extra care during these busy times. Even a small reduction in speed could save a child’s life.
To help keep our kids safe, it’s important for drivers to:
- watch out for pedestrians and be aware that young children can be unpredictable and difficult to see
- give cyclists plenty of space
- slow down in school speed zones during school times
- be extra cautious around schools.
Kids can stay safe by:
- learning more about road safety – resources include Kids on the Move and Bike Ed
- practicing crossing the road with parents.
Parking safely is also of paramount importance during peak school times – not only for the safety of our students, staff and wider school community members, but also for our local neighbours. It is important for us all to respect parking signage, driveway accesses and all relevant road rules.
The surrounding roads at our school do get exceptionally busy and so as a school we strongly urge you to report to the Hume Council your concerns and suggest that they come at drop off and pick up time to monitor the situation and take action if necessary.
You can also download the Snap, Send, Solve app to report to Council. Details are below:
Thank you for your understanding and co-operation in making the surrounding areas as safe as possible for our children and community.