Student Awards

Student of the Week 24/05/2024
Class | Student | Reason |
| Blair | Blair has been demonstrating some fantastic learning in our class this week. She has been trying her very best during our phonics lessons. Blair has shown confidence when reading aloud and wrote lots of wonderful sentences during our writing lessons. Well done Blair! |
P1E | Charlie | For having a great week this week. You have worked hard during both Literacy and Numeracy sessions and attempted all tasks with great enthusiasm. Well Done Charlie. |
12C | Zac | For working really hard in all areas of your learning this week. You have shown that you are well organised and always ready to learn. I enjoy listening to you read and answer questions about what you are reading. Keep up the great work! |
34R | Paige | For listening responsibly to instructions and being well organized when working on her Text Features poster about butterflies. Keep up the great work Paige! |
34S | Seth | A great week of really focused and high-quality work Seth – you are beginning to show us all what you are capable of doing – which is a lot! |
| Brooke | For a fantastic week’s work. You developed your computer skills on Excel while working on the Smartie Maths project, learning how to collect and enter data into a table and create a graph to display the data. Your Smartie “Most Wanted” poster was also completed to a high standard. Great work Brooke! |
| Lilliannah | For demonstrating attentive listening, staying on task, and completing work in class to a high standard. Lil has shown cooperation, and kindness in her learning. Keep trying your best. Congratulations, Lilliannah. |
Science | Emily & Larna | This week’s Science Award goes to two hard-working students who produced excellent work for the topic of Planets. Congratulations to Emily & Larna. |
Art | Jack | TheArt Award this week goes to a student who showed great initiative, and caring for his craftsmanship in his work and going above and beyond what was expected of him. Congratulations to Jack. |
Values Rohan | Elijah | This week’s Values Award goes to a motivated, polite and hard-working student who is achieving excellent results in the classroom and on the sporting field. Congratulations to Elijah. |
Student of the Week 31/05/2024
| Ruby | Ruby has been a very responsible student during our swimming program this week. She has been a positive role model to the prep students helping them and encouraging them. Well done Ruby! |
P1E | Lincoln | For having a super week this week. You have been organised and helpful during our busy week of swimming. You have tried your best during your time at the pool and have enjoyed yourself. Great Job Lincoln. |
12C | Jayda | For being a superstar swimmer this week! You showed persistence and resilience all week. It was great to see you enjoying your swimming lessons and giving it your all. Well done Jayda! |
34R | Jemma | For showing confidence and persistence during the swimming program. Jemma was a responsible participant in the lessons and she was a great representative for Numurkah Primary. Well done Jemma! |
34S | Bella | A really excellent week at AquaMoves! Your instructor was very impressed with the way you worked so hard to improve all aspects of swimming and water safety! |
| Skylah | For working hard this week to showcase your writing skills in a procedural text entitled “How to make Mrs Hope Happy”. You really nailed this task! |
| Emilia | For having a really good week at school. You are a great asset to our class and always produce quality work; I really enjoyed your procedure writing text on “How to annoy your teacher”. Keep up the great work Emilia! |
Science | Makenzee | This week’s Science Award goes to an amazing student who is currently producing excellent work for the topic of the human eye. Congratulations to Makenzee. |
Values Rohan | Kayden | For being a positive and helpful role model this week, this student has gone above and beyond to help others, especially at Aquamoves. Congratulations to Kayden. |
Aussie of the Month - May
P1M Blair | For consistently being engaged in all learning areas. You always come in with a smile on your face and ready to learn. Keep up the great work. |
P1E Evie | For consistently working well in class. You are building your resilience and applying yourself to all areas. Keep up the great work! |
12C Lilith | For taking responsibility for your learning. You have shown enthusiasm towards your learning and completed all of your work. Keep up the great work Lil! |
34S Bella
| Bella, all the friends in your class recognise the fact that you are a very hard-working girl who can be relied upon to support them. You are a wonderful role model, a thoughtful person and a great team player too! |
34R Max | Max is always caring towards everyone. He works hard and completes his tasks on time. Max is a great role model to others |
56H Indy
Elijah | For being respectful during transitions and a responsible classmate; you always help others with their Earn & Learn paysheets when they need assistance. You’re a kind and caring friend to others and help the little kids during recess and lunchtimes.
For being a good friend to others. You are fun to work with and always try to your hardest to do well at any activity. You are polite and respectful towards others. |
56HB Levi
| For having a great start to term 2, You have shown that you are a great friend to everyone, and you have shown great leadership skills with your ability to set up and run lunch time sports activities. With your competitiveness, hard work, and great humour you are a great asset to our class, Keep up the great work, Levi. |