Star Student Awards

Star Students for the Fortnight

( Week 5 and Week 6 ) 


Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Johan Peranickal Linzfor the way he has settled into our classroom so well and 

tackles every learning task with a smile on his face. 

Nathalia Lubadifor the excellent effort in maths making friends of ten! 

Great work Nathalia! 

Mrs Wardle:


Mrs Weber:

Oleena Kanakkahewafor being a friendly and caring member of our classroom. 

It’s great to have you back from holidays Oleena!

Daisy Dickins for working really well with her partner on finding all the friends of 

10 combinations during maths. Terrific work Daisy!

Mr Maskell:

Daniella for always contributing her ideas to our class discussions. 

Well done Daniella!

Joeta for always completing her work to a high standard and for being a great illustrator. Your drawings are amazing. 

Mrs Nicholson:

Stefan for always taking care with his handwriting and for the neat presentation

 of his work.  

Keep up the great work Stefan!

Zara for working hard with her rocket writing and her addition problems.  

Well done Zara!

Mrs Drummond:

Luca Tal for taking working hard to make sure his handwriting is done neatly and taking on constructive feedback to improve his learning.  

Yuvi Surfor working really hard on coming up with ideas for his wanted poster and trying to use persuasive language!

Mr Andronaco:

Max Corboy for developing and doing a fantastic job in his writing activities.

Keep it up Max!

Elodie Sargeant for continuing to complete her work at a high standard.

Great work!

Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Logan Brandfor the fantastic effort he has been putting into his multiplication. 

He has picked up how to multiply 1 and 2 digit numbers through hard work and perseverance! Keep it up, Logan!

Bentley Corbofor his excellent persuasive writing about students picking their 

own sport at school. 

He split his ideas into clear paragraphs and used his best handwriting. 

Well done, Bentley! 

Mrs Anderson:

Ayva O’Donnell for her great piece of persuasive writing titled ‘Children should be 

able to have bubble gum at school’. 

Ayva well done on your planning and drafting of your work. 

Your presentation is fantastic!

Niranoma Atkinson for her great piece of persuasive writing titled

‘Children should have a mobile phone’. 

Nira, your three reasons were very persuasive with a great conclusion.

Well done Niranoma!

Mr O'Hara:

Johanna Kabangu for working hard in maths to develop her understanding of multiplication and division.   Amazing effort Johanna! 

Ethan Titterrell for completing his persuasive piece on why “Kids should get a laptop”. Great work Ethan!

Mrs Dainton:

Patrick for his consistent efforts with his writing on the computer and his imagination with his answers and opinions.

Well Done Patrick!

Summah for her consistent approach to her Reading and Writing.

She comes to school to learn every day !

Well Done Summah !

Mr Howley:

Queen for her very colourful headings. Queen's writing is also very neat.

Alexander Ralston for his excellent joined handwriting. 

Alexander was also a top performer in our ballet session this week.

Senior Years

Mr Lindon:

Brodie Cela

For his huge smile and for improving his classroom behaviour. Well done!


Tara Ottewill 

Being her best, respectful and responsible as she comes ready for her learning each day with a smile and caring attitude. 

Mr Beks:

Melvina Manu

Well done Melvina on your amazing reading and effort to be the best learner you can be.  

Rian Kudakkanal

Well done on your amazing classroom behaviour and effort to be the best learner you can be.  

Mr Poppa:

Seth Grimes:  for his friendly manner and readiness to greet his teachers each day with a smile.  His sculptures are amazing and show his artistic flair. Bravo
Paddy Segrave:  For the times you take that extra care of your classmates, showing our school spirit to all those about you.  You are the best. Thank you

Mr Searle:

Cooper Garner

Cooper has been a great classroom discussion contributor, his sportsmanship was in full display during Golden Child this week. Well Done Cooper

Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:

Jude Magill

For consistently approaching tasks with a positive mindset. Jude will tackle any challenge, demonstrating great resilience along the way. Keep up the great work!!