From the Principal
Leila Mattner
From the Principal
Leila Mattner
Reconciliation has been significant in our minds, in the media, and in our conversations in recent times. Sometimes the conversation is hard, and people have differing opinions that challenge our own. In their introduction to Reconciliation Week, Reconciliation Australia puts it like this:
There have been many moments in Australia’s reconciliation journey that make us want to turn away. But when things are divisive, the worst thing we can do is disengage or disconnect. (
As St Paul staff and our community continue to work with our own Reconciliation Action Plan, we continue to recognise the importance of open conversation, listening to one another and doing our very best to understand. Thank you to our community members: families, children and staff, for your engagement and honesty as we continue to acknowledge and work towards a better future.
Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.
Last week, I attended the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia Conference in Melbourne. This was a valuable time to network with colleagues from across Australia and engage in learning about many aspects of our roles, including the future of technology in education, sustainable wellbeing for principals, collective efficacy, and leadership models.
This was immediately followed by our termly LESNW Principals and Directors meeting in North Adelaide, where, as Chair, I am able to work closely with Lutheran colleagues to continue to enhance our work. This meeting’s focus was led by Principal Growth Director, David Wilksch, on continual feedback and improvement for leaders in our schools.
Thank you to Jess Robinson for leading the school as Acting Principal during my absence.