Catholic Identity

2024 Diocesean Theme 

Sacramental Mass this Sunday 19th May ~ 11.30am Pentecost Sunday 


We invite you to join us for our Sacramental Mass this Sunday at 11:30 am at Christ the King Church. During this Mass, our candidates will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. Last night, as a group, we gathered to reflect on the journey they've undertaken and the significant spiritual growth and learning they've experienced. It's been a privilege to walk alongside our students on this journey; they've approached it with open hearts, a thirst for knowledge, and a willingness to reflect. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them. We eagerly anticipate celebrating with them this weekend.



This is our Sacramental Group at their practice last night. Thank you to our Sacramental Team who have led our children on this very special journal. 




“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Colossians 3:2


May the month of Mary & Celebrating the Wonderful Women in our Lives ~ Happy Mother's Day to all for last Sunday

Last Sunday we celebrated Mother’s Day. This is an important day to remember the important role that our mother and mother-figures play in our lives. From aunts to grandmothers to friends, we all have many wonderful women in our lives that we can look up to.


Mary has a unique place in the Catholic faith. She is the Mother of God and her willingness to say “yes” to God’s calling is one which we try to emulate in our lives every day. Mary demonstrates the important role a mother plays in their child’s life, even if that child is the Son of God. We see her gentle guidance in Jesus’ formative years, and it was through Mary’s prompting that Jesus performed his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. 



In fact, in the church, May is also the month of motherhood. It is the month in which we celebrate the motherhood of Mary. Mary, who by becoming the Mother of God, assumed a special role in our lives.


One of my favourite prayer poems that my Nan taught me as a child is ~ Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue, teach me how to pray. 

Our Wonderful Women ~ Our mums, nans, great grandmas, sisters, aunties & special friends ~ May God bless them all. 


Fire Carriers Program 

St. Mel’s is a FIRE Carrier School, FIRE stands for Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education.


The FIRE Carrier Project is a joint initiative of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Victoria and the Opening the Doors Foundation with Catholic Education Sandhurst. It seeks to keep the Reconciliation flame alight in schools, educating and encouraging reconciliation both within and outside of the school community.


Our FIRE Carrier programme is led by our Year 5 & 6 students, who can apply to be a FIRE Carrier. They are then commissioned in a whole school Commissioning Ceremony. Students and staff plan initiatives and events to educate and inform our School community about Reconciliation, our shared history and culture. These include Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week activities. 


The role of FIRE carriers at St. Mel’s 

  • To keep the Reconciliation flame alight in our St. Mel’s community.
  • To educate students, staff and families about Reconciliation.
  • To spread the message of our shared history and culture.
  • To represent the St. Mel’s Community at any Fire Carrier events.

Our Upper Years children had the wonderful opportunity of spending time with Michael Chisholm from CES Ltd. Michael spent time immersing us in what it means to be a F.I.R.E Carrier. Our children were able to express how they could be a part of the conversation in their lives and ways that they believed they could bring about change.


St Anthony's Feast Day 

St. Mel's students can put their hands up to be a part of the procession at the Feast of St Anthony of Pauda on June 9 where they will have the opportunity to wear St Anthony's robes. Any students who are interested in being a part of the procession can contact Sarah Moloney via to put your name down. 

Thank you in anticipation,




“Jesus give us a heart that loves like you, feels like you, understands like you and behaves like you.” 

Bishop Joe Grech


Have a wonderful weekend ahead, 

Danae Napier


Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.