Koorie & Multicultural Club

Koorie Club News

On May 30th, as part of Reconciliation Week our Koorie students and some of our art leaders visited the Ballarat Art Gallery for the "Flight of the Bogong Moth" program, part of the 2024 Reconciliation Week theme, "Now More Than Ever." This program aimed to deepen students' understanding of First Peoples culture through art and storytelling.


Students had the privilege of working with Wadawurrung artists and cultural educators Dr. Deanne Gilson and Indigo Harrison. They learned about the cultural significance of the Bogong Moth and its flight path, an important aspect of Wadawurrung traditions.


The day began with an engaging storytelling session, where Dr. Gilson shared the moth’s role in seasonal migration. Students then participated in an art-making workshop, creating their own Bogong Moth pieces. This hands-on activity allowed them to connect with the cultural stories and express their creativity.


Students had the opportunity to look at and discuss some of the art gallery’s important First Nations artworks including pieces created by both Dr. Gilson and her mother, Aunty Marlene Gilson. Dr. Gilson and Ms. Harrison encouraged questions and deeper exploration of First Peoples’ heritage. This experience fostered a meaningful understanding of the rich traditions and importance of reconciliation.


We thank the Ballarat Art Gallery, Dr. Deanne Gilson, Indigo Harrison and Pauline O'Shannessy-Dowling for this memorable experience. We look forward to more opportunities to engage with First Peoples culture and continue our journey towards reconciliation. A special thank you also goes to Jade who was an amazing help on the day.



Multicultural Club

In the Multicultural Club we are very excited to welcome some of our staff who have a diverse background into our club to speak to the students. The staff will be discussing a range of topics, including how they connect with their culture, how they came to be living in Australia and what it means to them to be welcomed into Delacombe Primary School. We will also be looking at celebrations and organising some activities to celebrate the end of term. 


We have also been supporting our fellow Koorie peers to commemorate Reconciliation Week and upcoming NAIDOC Week. We are very proud to be able to hear story-telling around their connection to culture and how we can help to take part in reconciliation. We have been helping to facilitate a colouring competition as well as a poetry competition with the theme of “My Voice, My Culture”. Many students participated in the competition and the winners will be announced at the next assembly.


Thank you for reading, remember everyone is welcome to participate in the Multicultural Club, in the Reset Room at lunch time on Thursdays.