Our students are continuing to thrive and enjoy themselves in the Art room. 


The Sandra Silberzweig portraits are nearly complete and are looking truly amazing! At the conclusion of each lesson, our students reflect on their learning and set goals for the following lesson. It has been incredibly rewarding to hear the reflective thinking captured by our talented students.


“I really like how we all began with the one topic, but how everyone’s artwork looks so different” ~ Rsmeet Grade 5


“It has been so much fun to just let my ideas fall out of my head and onto the page”. ~ Zaiden Grade 4


“I am really enjoying choosing which resources I use to complete my design; I think it looks beautiful and I am really proud of myself.” ~ Pearl Grade 5.


Students will complete their artworks next week, and we cannot wait to see the pride on their faces as they look at their magnificent masterpieces!


Our junior students have been working really hard on their fine motor skills, with scissor safety and technique being our main area of focus. Perhaps, your little treasure has shared with you some scissor safety tips?!, “Open, slide, close”, has been quietly repeated many, many times in the Art room recently 😉 


Students have created painted collage echidnas, where they carefully cut the edge of the paper to create spikes and are currently working on creating caterpillars, whilst also exploring the differences between colour, shade and hue.


What a joy it is, to teach our students Art!


Take care,


Miss Peldys and Mrs S