From The Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers, 


Welcome to Week 8 of the term, the first full week of Winter and with it a noticeable drop in temperature. Last week some of our students represented the school in a number of extra-curricular activities. On Thursday the 30th May, 21 students from our school attended the Ballarat Young Authors’ event at Mount Rowan College.  There were 106 students in attendance at this event across 7 schools in Ballarat.  The program will follow on with 3 workshops throughout the year that will involve teachers from each of the schools working together to produce an engaging workshop with local authors at locations in Ballarat. The finale will be a trip to Melbourne on a Literacy walk.  The students are all very excited to be part of this program working with talented writers from other schools.


On Friday 31st May we had approximately 20 girls and boys represent the school in Netball at Selkirk Stadium. Our students did a terrific job working as a team and passing the ball around. Our girls team managed to make the finals and represent the school with pride. Well done to those students, Mrs Jones and Rebel Anwyl who supervised the students for the day.

Now that assessment weeks are over, our students and teachers are back into teaching and learning programs. Our leadership team has been visiting classrooms to see the students in action. 


Above is Ms Smyth (Prep B) at her teaching conference table working through some reading strategies with our prep students, before going off to the Wildlife Park.


Gardening working bee

On Saturday the Gardening team held their working bee at the school. Great to see a number of people attend and help out in the garden while there was still some sunshine.  Thank you to all those who helped on the day.



Casual Clothes day (gold coin donation) and staff memorial trees

On Friday 7th June we had our casual clothes day.  We have been fortunate to have the trees donated by Avalon Nursery ($130 each) and the plaques donated by Rhiannon Coffin and Dale Glass.  Any donated funds that have been left over will be donated to an agreed cause by Leadership.


Our way of acknowledging and introducing the memorial trees to the students and school community will occur after the long weekend. It will occur at various times in small groups in student year level groups and paired classrooms. The students and staff will spend some time on the reason why we have the memorial trees in the school. The location of the trees have been planted behind the soccer goals on the P-2 soccer pitch.


The acknowledgment will essentially go as follows and will take approximately 10 minutes:

  1. Classes or PLC to move out to the P-2 soccer pitch and sit down
  2. A nominated teacher or staff member will either read out a script provided by Mr Phillips
  3. Students (those that wish to) will then move in small groups past the two trees and sprinkle a small number of petals on the trees and sit back down quietly.
  4. The teachers will thank the students for being respectful and the students will be escorted back to their classrooms.


Should you not wish for your child to partake in this, please let your child’s classroom teacher know.


Grade 5-6 Health day - Nutrition 

On Friday this week our students participated in the Grade 5-6 Health Day. This program has been planned by Mrs O'Brien and Mr Storey and was taught by the classroom teachers.


Energy Breakthrough sponsorship - Are you interested? 

This year our school has entered 3 teams in the Energy Breakthrough competition.  Sponsorship categories are listed on our website. A picture of our team from 2023 is below and one of our sponsors who saw the team in action is also in the photo.


Office closed Thursdays at 3.45pm 

The Office staff will be beginning to hold their own office meetings from 3.45pm - 4.00pm on Thursdays.   The office will be closed at this time.


Parent teacher interviews 

There will be parent teacher interviews occurring on Tuesday 25th June. The students will finish their day on this day at 1.30pm so that we can commence the interviews at 2.00pm.