Learning and Teaching

 - Mrs Anna Robertson

Our Year 7 students have jumped into life at the Senior School with energy and enthusiasm. I had a group of excited volunteers this week to share about their experiences at College during our first Learning and Teaching Assembly. They reflected on the past few weeks and what they are enjoying. A consistent feature of their reflections was how many opportunities they have both in and out of the classroom.   

  • Grace Haldane - Something that I love about starting Year 7 is there are so many opportunities that everyone can participate in and the welcoming environment that surrounds this school and its community.  
  • Daisy Hall - I have enjoyed starting Year 7 at College and taking part in the opportunities in the Boarding House, as well as going home when I want too.  
  • Mhairi McDonald - I have enjoyed meeting new friends and having an amazing friend group.  
  • Jack Oldfield-Mann - Since starting at College, I have received my Bunsen burner license.  
  • Pip Mecham - As a Year 7, I have really enjoyed all the positive people who have said hello to me, and I am excited to try many new things. 
  • Elsie Brown - Since being at the Senior School I like having space from my siblings and making new, amazing friends.  
  • Kora Murray - I have enjoyed the READ lessons in the library.  
  • Leila Robertson - Starting Year 7 at College, I have enjoyed all the new opportunities. I have already done swimming training, choir and signed up for the SRC. 
  • Fatiha Nuha - I have enjoyed doing drama because I have not studied it before. 
  • Sid Whitehead - Something I have enjoyed since starting at the Senior School is playing basketball in the stadium.  


These insights from our new Middle Years students are reflective of the rich learning spaces, places, and community that we have at the College. Learning at school encompasses a broad range of areas. Social learning about friendships, working with others and considering different viewpoints and perspectives; academic learning within the classroom or through excursions and incursions where students can explore and build deep knowledge about subject matter across all disciplines; and learning opportunities such as co-curricular experiences that offer breadth and balance for students within their school life. 


School days are a brief time in our lives when we have so many opportunities to try different things. I can think of no other time in my own life where I could join in and try new experiences to see if they were a good fit for me. While so many of our students do this already and, of course, we also need time to slow down and rest, I encourage all students to consider new opportunities as they arise or reconsider choices made as they progress through the new school year.  


The positive start to learning for our new students, both in Year 7 and across our campuses, can also be attributed to the high standard that our students have demonstrated as they modelled the learning culture of the school to those that are new. This has been evident across Myrniong, the Middle and Senior Years, and as I mentioned in assembly this week, I thank all of our students for creating this community, culture and environment that enables our students to succeed in their learning. 


Our smallest decisions and choices really do impact on others and their learning environment, and it has been excellent to see such positive momentum in this space.  


Finally, this is a reminder to please finalise any subject changes for Years 8 to 12 as they will close on Monday, 26 February.