Year 4 News

From Georgia, Year 4 teacher

Learning in the Kitchen

We have been lucky to be the first cohort to do cooking with our excellent head chefs Kristen and Erin. Over the first month in our cooking groups we have been making delicious dishes such as pizza, pasta salad, sushi and rice paper rolls. We have also been practising our knife cutting skills to gain our knife licence at the end of the term, by using the rock and chop, bear claw and tunnel techniques to prepare our meals. Bon Appetit! 

Cutting with a bear claw
Cutting with a bear claw

Cyber Safety

Last week we were lucky enough to have a visit from Trent at Cyber Safety Project to learn all about being safe online. He taught us all about how we can take control when we are online. This includes:


  • Setting yourself screen time limits.
  • Setting an alarm so you don't lose track of time when you are online.
  • Reporting any unkind or inappropriate comments.



We also discussed who we can turn to if we need help or support when we are online. Our support people included our teachers, friends, parents, and Kids Helpline. At the end of the session the teachers played a fun game and we learnt all about using positive language when we are online. It was a great session and we came away feeling empowered to be safe when we are online. 


This week we have been away at Anglesea on camp so in the next newsletter we will tell you all about it!