Grade 3
In our recent reading sessions, we've been exploring engaging fiction pieces like 'Boy' and 'Frank's Red Hat.' During these sessions, your child has been busy learning new words, summarising stories, and making connections between what they read and their own experiences. They've also been practising visualisation and predicting what might happen next in the story. We've introduced concepts like thick and thin questions to encourage deeper thinking about the text. One exciting observation is the noticeable improvement in their reading expression! We've been focusing on using interesting "talking verbs" to help them vary how they sound when reading aloud. This has empowered them to use their expression confidently in their fluency pairs, and it's fantastic to see all students eager to share out loud with the class.
During Writing sessions, we have been exploring narrative writing. We have explored how to use adjectives to help the reader visualise and expand our ability to write full sentences with appropriate grammar and punctuation. We have learnt how to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to help us write more complex sentences. We have also honed our ability to plan narratives with engaging characters, a well described setting, a problem that hooks the reader, making them want to read more and a logical solution to this problem. This week we practised proofreading and editing our work; looking for spelling mistakes, missing punctuation, and sentences that don’t make sense.
In our recent maths lessons, we've been working on some important basics that help with understanding numbers better. We've covered things like place value, where we learn the value of each digit in a number. For example, in 364, the 3 stands for 300, the 6 stands for 60, and the 4 stands for 4 units. We've also been doing addition and subtraction using a method called the split method, which helps us break down numbers and makes it easier to add and subtract. By practising these skills, students are getting a good grasp of how numbers work and how addition and subtraction are connected.
Other AreasIn Inquiry, we have been exploring what it means to be part of a community. We can describe our homegroup classes as a community, as we all share the same goal of practising and improving our learning every day! We then created our own ‘class shields’ to represent the goals and aspirations of our class. Following this, we then expanded our idea of a community to Grayling Primary School as a collective. We are celebrating Grayling being open for 5 years already! So we shared and reminisced about our favourite activities and events that the Grayling Primary School Community participated in during this time! In Respectful Relationships, we started the year by identifying our learning and social strengths. We then created goals that we are going to aim to achieve; both at home and at school, that link to our strengths!
Basketball ClinicThis term, we are lucky to be taking part in an exciting basketball clinic! We will be learning all about the key skills of basketball, and putting them into practice, both in drills, as well as in games!