Grade 1
In Storybook we have listened to the text ‘Josephine Wants to Dance’, which is about a kangaroo who really wants to dance and all her friends don’t believe she’ll ever become one but with her daring attitude she is able to dance on dance as a beautiful ballerina. We explored the themes in the book and worked together to summarise the story, as well as delving into the words of the week - sob, leap and sway. Students enjoyed acting out the words and adding them to our House of Helpful Words!
In Maths, students have spent time revising 0 to 20. This has included counting forwards and backwards, writing and recognising numerals and number words, as well as representing these numbers on tens frames or using hands on resources.
We have introduced bundling by using tens and ones to display numbers on a place value chart. Students have explored number lines from 0 to 30 and have started looking at 0-99 number charts.
Students have loved participating in our hands on Maths activities. They especially enjoyed using cotton tips and paint to represent numbers from 0 to 30.
In the past fortnight, the Grade 1’s have been introduced to the concepts ‘Past, Present and Future’. Students went on a small gallery walk within their classrooms, observing pictures of various artefacts from the past, present and future and made predictions of what each artefact was! The Grade 1’s were very intrigued towards some of the unseen objects!
Utilising relevant terminology, students explored events that have occurred or are yet to occur in their current lives, making connections to themselves!