Ms. Giulia

Late Pick Up

St Brigid's OSHC has a legal requirement to supervise all students within OSHC hours which are between 3.00 - 6.15pm. Whilst we appreciate that family life may be busy, we encourage you to pick up your children from OSHC no later than 6.15pm. If unfortunately you will be late, we require notification prior to 6.15pm to advise of the situation and expected time of arrival. 


Late Pick Up Procedure

All children must be collected by 6.15pm. Parents/caregivers who are late need to phone the service to advise staff.  If a child is not collected and no notification has been given OSHC staff will attempt to contact parents/caregivers or emergency contacts. 

  • 6.15pm parents/caregivers are phoned
  • 6.20pm emergency contacts are phoned
  • If a child is not collected by 6:25 pm OSHC staff will contact Police and request that they take responsibility for the welfare of the child. 
  • Please note Late Pick Up Fees apply per child for late pick-up after 6.15pm.

Late Pick up Fees

Collection of children between 6:15-6:30pm will incur a $20.00 late pick up fee per child. After 6.30pm every additional fifteen-minute interval or part thereof will incur a $30.00 late pick up fee per family. If late fees are incurred on three occasions within a term, the family’s ongoing enrolment will be reviewed and possibly cancelled. 


                                                                OUR TIME IN OSHC


Salt Dough
Salt Dough
Salt Dough
Salt Dough


If there is any way, I can assist please don’t hesitate to discuss it with me. 

Email: oshcdirector@stb.catholic.edu.au 

OSHC mobile number: 0448 830652 


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning

Giulia Imbrogno

OSHC Director