Important Information

Dear Parents and Caregivers
On 13th of October 2018, legislation was passed requiring residential addresses of parent/caregivers to be provided by schools to the Australian Department of Education and Training, for the purpose of determining future funding to non-government schools. This is to notify you that St Brigid's School will be participating in the 2024 data collection next month. Please read the attached document for more information.
If your family have made recent changes to residential address or family situation, you are asked to contact the front office to update your family data.
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Collection Notice for parents/guardians
2024 Student Residential Address and Other Information
The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to notify you that we have requested for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information.
Under the Australian Education Regulations 2023, the school is required to provide the department with the following information about each student at the school:
# names and residential addresses of the student’s parent(s) and/or guardian(s)
# student residential address (excluding student names)
# whether the student is a primary or secondary student (education level)
# whether the student is boarding or a day student (boarding status).
The school collects the above information by generating a unique and unidentifiable student reference number (SRN) for each student record. The school only uses the SRN for this collection. The SRN cannot be used for any other purpose. The number only indicates to the department that each record provided is for one student.
Purpose of the collection
The Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection (the collection) informs Australian Government school education policy and helps ensure funding for non-government schools is based on need.
The information collected is used to inform school funding calculations. It is combined with Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data to calculate a non-government school community’s anticipated capacity to contribute to schooling costs.
In 2020, the department introduced a new measure of capacity to contribute: the Direct Measure of Income (DMI). The DMI is based on the median income of non-government school students’ parents or guardians using the collection data. For more information see Direct Measure of Income (DMI) Methodology.
Use and disclosure of personal information
Your personal information is protected by law under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act). Personal information is information or an opinion about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes an individual’s name and contact details.
Any use or disclosure of your personal information must occur in accordance with the Privacy Act, the Australian Education Act 2013 and Australian Education Regulations 2023.
Your personal information provided to the department through the collection may be:
# disclosed to the ABS for the purposes of capacity to contribute calculations and analysis as a part of the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP). Find more information about MADIP on the ABS website MADIP page
# disclosed to a contracted auditor where the department may audit a school’s collection submission. The contracted auditor compares the school’s submission with the student enrolment information. The contracted auditor will not use the information for any other purpose GPO Box 9880, Canberra ACT 2601 | Phone 1300 488 064| | ABN 12 862 898 150
# disclosed to our service providers for the purpose of providing the department with information and communications technology support
# used or disclosed where it is otherwise required or authorised by law.
The department does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.
Find the department’s privacy policy on the Department of Education website which includes information on:
# how individuals can access and modify personal information held by the department
# how complaints about potential breaches or breaches of the Privacy Act can be made
# how the department will deal with these complaints.
The department commissioned an independent Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). The PIA assesses the flows of information under the Collection, compliance with the Privacy Act and measures in place to safeguard the personal information being collected. The current version is available on the 2018 Student Residential Address Collection: Additional Required information Privacy Impact Assessment web page.
What do you need to do?
You are not required to do anything. Your school is responsible for providing the department with the requested details; however, you can contact the school to update your family’s details.
Contacts for further information
Your school can provide additional information about the collection process. Alternatively, please visit the SchoolsHUB Address Collection help and support page.
GPO Box 9880, Canberra ACT 2601 | Phone 1300 488 064| | ABN 12 862 898 150