Student Leaders News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader


Each week an award will be given to a student

that demonstrates one or all of our school values:      

    Community        Excellence        Respect

Congratulations to Cesafino Bere for always being ready to

help someone  in the class and demonstrating real leadership

to be a role model to his peers.

Student Class Awards:  from Week 4 

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort or achievement in their learning, collaboration and initiative as well as resilience, and kindness in their classroom this week. 

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



Sophie for using her listening ears to listen for sounds in words during our writing time.

Prep SV



James For being an active learner in our math sessions.

1/2  AS



ThomasFor settling into year 2 so well and being a responsible learner. Well done!

1/ 2  DG



LillyFor being a kind and supportive classmate and setting an excellent example for her peers. 

1/ 2 MB



Maple For always trying her hardest and persisting with learning tasks. Well done Maple!

3/4 TR






For their great focused learning during Numeracy sessions this week

3/ 4  MG







A huge improvement in his editing and handwriting.



Always being attentive and hard working. Well done.

3/ 4  VA



Lily For her happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of her work.  Well done!

5/6  FA



Vihaan For showing great community spirit while in the grade.

5/6 BOC




Thank you Yorisun for being brave to share your thinking and model some numeracy problems for the class. We appreciate your hard work and positive attitude!




Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton



Serena, Lilly, Austin and Vincent 





For their improvised scene last week in which they created fantastic characters and an entertaining story.  


Mrs Mcleary

Lily  3/4 VAFor being a fair and unbiased umpire and scorer in PE



Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term One   Week 5

Present: Chloe, Lendrick,Chelsea, Amelia, William

Cesafino, Hannah, Angela, Ari, Clem,Anthony,Mikayla

  • Icy poles for the preps on Tuesday will be sold in the classroom
  • A reminder that the eating area is outside the 3/4 classrooms and outside the prep deck /undercover area. No eating past the library. 
  • Keeping the yard and play space clean is everyone’s responsibility!
  • Please collect lunch boxes from the eating area!

On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  learning this week? 

Prep AK 8  ready to learn when we sit in our spots for circle time

Prep SV 8 eyes looking and listening to the teacher

1/2 MB 9 doing really good work 

1/2 DG  6 some students are calling out talking over the teacher

1/2 AS  7 trying our best, sometimes we need to keep our space tidy, 

push our chairs in, rubbish in the bin.

3/4 TR  8 putting effort into our work and presentation

3/4 MG  7 some people have been talking and not following instructions

3/4 VA  7 we need to remind each other expectations

5/6 BOC  7 noise level and especially during group work

5/6 FA  9  we have had a good week, focused, listening , following instructions 


On a scale of 1-10, how has our school  been  working together this week?

Prep AK 8 we put our hand up, pack away and keep area clean

Prep SV  8 some reminders to line up and sit in our spots

1/2 MB  9 sharing and being kind to each other

1/2 DG  8 not getting distracted

1/2 AS 7 keep working well when our teacher is away, follow instructions 

3/4 TR  8 most people are working well together

3/4 MG  7 sometimes in groups we are talking and not completely focused

3/4 VA  7 sometimes we don’t include everyone

5/6 BOC 8 we get our work done but need reminders about noise and chatting

5/6 FA  8 helping each other


Learning and events at Trinity this week:

  • Police visiting the Year 1/2  classes
  • Mini Vinnies announced and presented with their badges
  • Clubs are going well - check times and where the club is being held. Poster in each class and around the school
  • Remember when it is HOT/WET day there will be no clubs
  • Garden Club is on a Monday
  • Caught being good - the box is outside the office.

What can we improve

 on this week:

  Class                     Actions

Taking sand pit equipment out of the sand pit, and to the quiet area


1/2Sand pit toys are all over the yard and some are broken. Can we have new toys for the sandpit and trucks to dig?
Looking after our trees and plants PREP

We love our garden and trees so please do not break branches and pick off leaves.

Our environment needs to be green!! 


NO running on the  adventure playground 



Keeping safe at all times.

No more warnings- students will be put in the yard book.

We need to make less noise as a group when we are moving around the school.


5/6Set the example and follow the expectations when we move in the school. We do it quietly so we don’t interrupt others in their classroom and learning.

Suggestions from the SRC

New sandpit toys and trucks for playing

Cubby house for junior students


Safety issues from the SRC

Pins have been found in the yard on the playground.

Action: If you see any pins please pick them up and dispose of them in the bin.

They may have come off from the family welcome night displays.

On Monday morning the following Year 4 students were announced as

our Mini Vinnies for 2024.

The students read a pledge of commitment and were presented with

their badges.

They will work together with the Social Justice Leaders on projects to

 continue the "good works" of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

Congratulations to Loki, Charlie, Nahier, Sophie, Alex, Aidan,

Georgia and Humphrey.







Student Leaders and SRC Meeting

Term One   Week 5










Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader