School Photos FAQ sheet

2024 School Photos FAQ sheet for CJC – The School Photographer

Dear parents and carers, 


As you are aware, we have changed our annual school photos provider.  Our previous provider offered the possibility to view and select your child’s photographs before ordering, and custom select your packs. However, this is not a standard in the industry.  Due to concerns about product quality in previous years, we made the decision to hire the services of a new provider (The School Photographer).


Code to order: x3135eco52c 


As a result, there are some changes in the ordering process.  We have prepared a FAQ sheet to answer your questions.

  • Can parents/carers see the photos before ordering?

No, in line with other school photographers, packs are ordered (online only) before seeing the photos.  However, there is a 100% satisfaction guarantee, or your money will be refunded.

  • Can I custom-select my package?

No, pre-set packages allow the provider to offer the photos at a lower cost.

  • When will we receive the photos?

Orders placed by the1st of March, will be included in the group delivery, expected to arrive in the first week of Term 2.


Orders made after the 1st of March will be delivered withing 4 to 6 weeks of ordering, please note that we have negotiated to waive late orders fees.  Any orders placed during the current academic year will be charged at the current advertised package cost (no late fee).  Late fees will only apply for packs ordered in the following year onwards.

  • Where will my photos be delivered?

Photos will be delivered to our school and distributed to the classrooms.

  • What if I want to purchase photos, but I don’t like the portrait taken?

There will be second-chance photoshoots at the supplier’s studio location during school holidays, please note that they are located in Werribee.


If you still have questions after reading the FAQ sheet, please contact the school office.


Kindest regards,


The Admin Team at CJC