Extracurricular activities - External providers

Exrternal providers' advertisements on our website and in the newsletter are accepted in good faith but the school does not  necessarily endorse the content. 

Team Kids!


Les activités périscolaires de l'EFM / EFM's After School activities


We have few spots left for our After School Activities programme, please follow the link on f bookings.


Activites periscolaires (efm.org.au)

  • 2 tickets for Art Never sleep on Monday
  • 7 tickets for French Games on Monday
  • 6 tickets for Afro Dance on Monday
  • 2 tickets for Music on Wednesday
  • 1 ticket for Spanish on  wednesday
  • 1 ticket for Petit Chef on Thursday
  • 2 tickets for Multi sports on Friday


UJEB's Hebrew Immersion Program (HIP)

SportWise and SoccerWise

A friendly reminder that SOCCERWISE starts on Thursday 15 February 2024 


Please note that Tania, Stephen, and Ben will be onsite after school today, in uniform, promoting our programs, and answering any questions from interested parents.