Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 4 Term 1


But when you pray, 

go to your private room and 

pray to your Father 

who is in that secret place, 

Mt 6:16



Dear Parents and Carers,


Last week, we celebrated the beginning of the Season of Lent with a wonderful school Mass. The Season of Lent is an opportunity to take stock of how we are icing our lives and reflect on what our priorities are. We are asked to make Prayer, Fasting and provide for the most vulnerable in our communities areas of focus during the Lenten Season.

Parent Teacher Conversation – Getting to Know You

Special thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to engage with their child’s teacher last week.  This is an extremely important process in meeting each other but also getting to know a little more about your child. The staff really appreciate your time and look forward to working alongside you this year to ensure we can have the best learning outcomes for your child. 

Year 5/6 Camp - Sovereign Hill

All the Year 5/6 students, Year 5/6  staff,  Mr Frazzetto, Mr Jennings, Ms Pirrotta & Mrs Watson (Wed & Thurs) will be attending School Camp at Sovereign Hill this Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Camp is a wonderful experience for all the students. The weather is looking great and I personally cannot wait to get to camp and enjoy the learning experiences with the children.  A huge thank you to the teachers for giving up their private time to ensure your children have this opportunity. 

School Attendance is COMPULSORY 

In Accordance with the Education Training and Reform Act 2006 (Vic.) (the Act) and the Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (Vic.), school attendance is compulsory for children and young people aged from 6 to 17 years unless an exemption from attendance has been granted for absence and Exemption from School Attendance or Enrolment, Department of Education and Training (DET), 2021). 


Whilst ensuring student attendance at school is a legal obligation of parents/ guardians/ carers, supporting students to attend school each day, is the shared responsibility of all parents/ guardians/ carers, students, the school and the wider community.  


Parents are legally required to ensure their child attends school every day and to provide an approved explanation for their child's absence from school, unless an exemption from attendance has been granted or an exception to their attendance applies. Absences that, in general are approved, include (but are not limited to):

  • medical and dental appointments, where out of hours appointments are not possible or not appropriate
  • bereavement or attendance at the funeral of a relative or friend of the student, including a student required to attend Sorry Business
  • cultural observance, where the school is notified by parents/guardians/carers in advance.

We know that daily school attendance is important for young people to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Young people who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. 


If you are having any difficulty getting your child to school or would like support in any way, please do not hesitate to contact our 

School Wellbeing Leader: Ms Sally Lentini, slentini@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au 

Learning Diversity leader: Ms Vira Pirrotta,vpirrotta@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au 

Principal Ms Manuela Watson: principal@sfmoreland.cathollic.edu.au


All absences are to be sent on the day before 8:30am via:

  1. Completing the form on the AUDIRI APP or

Thank you for your support with this request. 

Camps, Sports and Excursions Funds (CSEF)

Every Victorian Child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom.  The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities.  It is part of making Victoria the Education State and the Government's commitment to breaking the link between a student's background and their outcomes.


If you have applied for (CSEF) in 2023, you will need to re-apply. If you require assistance or clarification, please call Ann Russo at the school office 9383 3600. Please note: Parents must hold a valid Healthcare Card or Pension Card for eligibility.

Fundraising - Where does my fundraising go?

At St Fidelis, we are extremely lucky to have a wonderful group of parents who work side by side with the school to coordinate fundraising events, represent parents within the community and facilitate a variety of fun events for our students and families to engage in.


Our primary goal is to establish friendships amongst our families and staff, whilst encouraging active participation by parents in the life of our school through our many social and fundraising events.


Social events are an essential part of the development of community spirit within our school. In the past, we have offered Foundation Family Getting To Know You Night, Parish and School Family Social Nights, STEM/Art show just to name a few.


Fundraising events raise much-needed funds for our school. As you may be aware, government funding is often hard to come by, especially for items such as school upkeep and extra educational needs (e.g. refreshing take home reading books, multiple copies of good literature in the upper classes, updating of sports equipment, extra ipads, chrome books and other IT equipment.)


At St Fidelis, it is our aim to offer a wide range of fundraisers in order to cater for our school families and their needs. There is NEVER pressure to be involved in every fundraiser and there is an attempt to spread them out throughout the school year.  Some of our past successful fundraisers have been, the Hot Food Days, Hot Cross Buns, Easter raffles, School Open and Fete Days and Color Fun Run  (an event thoroughly enjoyed by all the children, parents and teachers.)


In 2023, the Parents and Friends' Committee, with the support of the whole community, raised an amazing amount of $42,000.00. At last week's first Parents and Friends meeting for 2024, I was able to confirm that $33,000.00 of those funds were used to complete the STEM Innovation Resource Centre. 


This has been a three year project and our current parents would agree that the STEM program has seen St Fidelis' students excel at school, at our STEMMAD showcases and at The First LEGO League competition last year, making the National Finals. This program would not have been possible without the support of the whole community.


This year, we aim to use any funds raised to:

  • Buy some extra play equipment for outdoor play e.g Bat tennis nets, large bingo, connect four and other play equipment voted by the children through the School Representative Council (SRC) 
  • Our largest project will be a new playground on Hawthorn yard. The target for this for this project will be $40,000.00 dollars (which may take a couple of years) 

These funds are always used wisely and strategically and go directly to your child’s education. 


On behalf of the students and staff of St Fidelis, I would like to thank all of the St Fidelis community that have supported the 2023 Fundraising and social events.  


Please take the time to read the P&F page in the newsletter to keep up to date with all that is happening in our school and think about giving a little of your time.


A huge thank you to the following partnerships in our community who continuously  support all our fundraising activities and events.

St Fidelis Primary School Community Open Day  

Sunday March 17

12:00pm -4:00pm

St Fidelis Families, Parishioners and visitors are cordially invited to tour St Fidelis Primary School and experience our newly refurbished classrooms area and contemporary learning spaces. Opportunities to chat with students, parents, teachers and the Principal.

Guided Tours by staff and School Captains

Activities Include:












School Fees 2024

Last week you would have received the School fees for 2024. We would appreciate payment as soon as possible. The school has already paid for all of your children's stationary upfront and prompt payment of the first installment would be most appreciated. 


The office is open from 8:30am to 4:00pm each day if you would like to pay in person. 

If you prefer to pay by direct debit, please use the bank details below. If any families need to discuss alternative arrangements for the payment of fees, please contact me directly.  


Included are the Bank details for your ease of payment:

CDF (Catholic Development Fund)
BSB:                          083 347
ACCOUNT: 65 603 6380
REF:   Childs name Fee Account Number
ACCOUNT TO: St Fidelis Primary School

Please note once you have made a payment can you email Ann Russo 

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au  with the amount you have deposited.


Concessional School Fee

Families who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply for a fee concession:

  •  Any family of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage
  •  Any family holding a HCC and eligible for CSEF
  •  Any family holding a DVA Gold Card
  •  Any family identified as refugees and holding an ImmiCard

Please collect a Concession Fee Application Form to be considered for the concession fee.


Have a great week everyone.

Kind regards,
