Connect: Foundation

Key Dates

Wednesday 6th MarchLibrary sessions commence
Monday 11th MarchLabour Day
Monday 25th MarchEaster hat parade 9am
Thursday 21st MarchTeddy Bear Picnic


We have been singing our Phonics song daily to assist with learning the letter sounds. We encourage you to play the song at home. The link can be found here.  During literacy learning we are focusing on learning the sounds of m, s, f, a, p, t and their correction formation. Students have enjoyed learning to read simple words such as amPamatSam and tap.


Letters/words covered so far: Future letters/words
Mm, Ss, Ff, Aa, Pp, TtCc, I
I, themy



In Maths we are focusing on Number and Place Value. Children will be using concrete objects to represent numbers 0-9. They will be developing their knowledge of part-part whole for numbers 0-9. Additionally, students will sort, name, create, recognise and describe a circle, triangle, square and rectangle.



In Inquiry, we will be listening to students’ brief presentations about their family.  Please remember to send something in for the family presentation. Students will learn about being an attentive listener while sitting in  the class audience.




Morning drop off:

We are encouraging independence and resilience. Please allow your child to walk into their classroom on their own and put their bag away. We will be on the lookout to hand out extra Dojo points for being brave and independent. 



Please remember to send your satchel to school daily. There is a packet of Alphabet cards for home practice.


Library Bags:

Please send in a named cloth bag every Wednesday for library. This is a separate bag to their satchel. Students will not be allowed to take a book home without a library bag. 



We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.


House Colours:

If you would like to know your child’s house colour it is stated on Sentral.







Preps are enjoying spending time with their buddies every fortnight. Students ask every day, 'When are we seeing our buddies next?' We are loving their enthusiasm and the bonds they are making with our school leaders. Their activities have included craft, shared lunches, reading together and wellbeing lessons.