
Kim Weissenburger, Acting Assistant Principal

Helen Meadows, Disability and Inclusion Coordinator

Consistent Predictable Routine (CPR)

 The Oxford dictionary, defines 'consistent' as, 'acting or done in the same way over time'.


At Skye PS, CPR forms the cornerstone of our Wellbeing program. It reduces decision-fatigue and gives students certainty and predictablity about what is expected throughout the day.


Ready to Learn Scales

Our Morning Circle Rountine (from the last issue) is the first step of our CPRs. The next piece of the puzzle in promoting a positive learning environment is the Ready to Learn Scale. 


Students have spent the past week identifying what it means to be 'ready to learn' by completing a Look Like, Feels Like, Sounds Like chart. They then created their own Ready to Learn Scale which is displayed on their desk. To maintain consistency, the scales use the same language and ranking system but are individualised with graphics and images. 


The scale serves as a prompt for students to check-in on their internal world. It is referred to througout the day and students are encouraged to mark where they are on the scale in relation to their readiness to engage in the classroom. Being able to recognise that they are/are not ready to learn is an important skill in managing themselves as learners. 


The next step is for students to develop a Ready to Learn Plan. Students who identify themselves lower on the 'readiness to learn scale' will be supported by their teacher to use one of the strategies on their 'Plan' to self-regulate with the goal of moving themselves further up the readiness scale. These plans will be developed over the coming weeks. Watch this space for more information!


Ready to Learn Scale Student Examples