Connect: Year 5

Important Dates - Year 5

  • NAPLAN, 13th-18th March 
  • House Athletics, Thursday 28th March
  • Easter Hat Parade, Monday 25th March
  • House Athletics 3-6, Thursday 28th March

What's happening in our classroom?




Our year 5 students have been learning to plan and draft persuasive texts. This involved conducting a deep dive into the techniques and devices used to persuade a reader or viewer. We looked closely at the impact of embedding emotive language, pronouns, high modality words and facts into our writing. 


In the next two weeks year 5 students will be engaged in: 

  • Practising fluency and comprehension in their reading groups
  • Building our knowledge of morphography in spelling mastery 
  • Using word walls to extend their vocabulary. 
  • Drafting and editing a persuasive text to publish


Over the next two weeks we will be working on:

  • rounding and estimation 
  • effective multiplication & division strategies 
  • multiples, factors as well as prime and composite numbers 
  • Number Talks / Maths mysteries

As part of our maths learning we will be continuing to learn about time. Within this unit students will be learning how to convert between 12hr and 24hr time, solve problems involving time and calculate elapsed time. 



The year 5's have been busy leading their own inquiry into the cost of living in different countries and exploring the survival of living things. They have been working hard at practising their skills in communication and problem solving as both tasks required collaborative group work.


Starting from next week students will work in teams to develop a travel exhibition. This will challenge them to research and collect information about the diverse cuisine, weather, culture and geographical landscapes that are unique to their chosen country. 


Travel Expo - Wednesday 27th of March; 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm


We would like to invite parents or carers to join us for an open afternoon in which students will be presenting their projects.



Over the next two weeks we will be working on recognising positive, negative and mixed emotions. We will also begin developing our 'Ready to learn' scales which will be displayed on each students desk. This tool will help students to communicate how they are feeling and if they are ready to learn. 



  • To try to minimise the amount of books being lost and/or damaged, this year we have a strict “No Bag = No Borrow” policy.
  • Students can purchase the blue satchel bags from the office for $10.00 or can bring a bag from home.  Pillowcases or shopping bags are also acceptable to use as library bags but waterproof is preferable. Please ensure that library bags are clearly labelled with your child's name ensuring they can be returned if lost.
  • All students are able to borrow one book from the school library each week, providing they have a library bag and no overdue books.  Books are borrowed for 1 week, should a child wish to keep a book longer they can simply bring the book back to the library and it can be renewed. 
  • Books that are damaged or not returned to the library need to be paid for.  A replacement fee of $10 for damaged or lost books is required (if the book is found and returned after fee has been paid the $10 will be refunded)

Celebration of Learning

Education Toolbox - Emotional Regulation Workshop

On Friday the 23rd of February, our year 5 students had the chance to participate in a one hour workshop focusing on emotional regulation. Students learnt about how our bodies react to stress and the strategies we can use to help us manage these challenges. 

Science - Yeast Experiment

As part of this term's inquiry learning students recently conducted an experiment to learn about the conditions that yeast needs to survive. Students worked in groups to conduct the experiment, made observations and recorded their findings. 

Kitchen Garden - Week 5/6