
Together we think of others

Welcome to all our new and returning SSPS families.


Over the last two weeks, your children have been spending time with their teachers looking at the new SSPS Behaviour Expectations Matrix. This document outlines the behaviour that is expected in each learning space across our school. These positive behaviours are outlined under our School Values: We are SAFE, We are RESPECTFUL, We are ACTIVE LEARNERS. 


In addition, our new positive reinforcement model will see the introduction of our SSPS Values Token System. This system will be utilised on a daily basis to recognise and celebrate the collective success of individuals, classes and stages. Student’s individual achievement towards personal goals, set in consultation with their teachers, will be recognised through our ‘Think of Others’ certificates and Principal Pins. 


Our School has very clear guidelines in accordance with the Department of Education Behaviour Policy. Students demonstrating behaviours of concern, will be addressed according to our Behaviour Management Matrix. Communication with parents will occur through email or phone call depending on the level or frequency of the behaviour. 


All changes or additions to our positive support systems have come about as a direct result of collaboration and ongoing discussions with our Student Parliament and Staff. Any major changes that will be implemented have been explained to each class by the Student Parliament in 2023 or by the teachers in 2023 and 2024.


A copy of each document is linked here for you to discuss with your child:


We look forward to a positive, connected 2024 with our school community.

Kind Regards,

Kylie Fenton (DP)