
Welcome back families to the Library for 2024.

Students will be coming into the library next week and seeing the new set up of the main library, and Kindergarten will have their first borrowing next week. 


Students will have library every week where they can borrow books to take home and return each week. We have a wide variety of books students can borrow from which is growing every month. Why not loose yourself in a fiction books, meet new/old friends in a well loved book. Learn something new in our Non Fiction section. 


Students need to bring their school library bag to borrow. Library days are;

Monday: 2M, 4K, 4N, 5C

Tuesday: 2/1A, 5P, 6B

Wednesday: 2W, 3D, 5R, 6Y

Thursday: KA, KE, 1B, 2G, 4/3Y

Friday: KB, 1C, 1E, 3C, 6B.


Chess Club and Quiet Reading


The Library is open at lunch times for quiet reading and chess club! If your child is looking for a fun environment to practise and learn their chess skills please come along. Mr Murphy is also looking for some experienced chess players who could come and help mentor other players. 


2024 NSW Premiers Reading Challenge


All students in K-6 participate in the Premiers Reading Challenge (PRC). Students in K - 2 complete the challenge in library time with their library teacher. 


Students in year 3 - 6 read and log books in library time. These can be read at home or in library lessons. If you would like more information about the Premier’s Reading Challenge please go to their website