Principals Message 

Welcome Back!

It has been wonderful welcoming students, parents and community members back to SSPS. In the first two weeks of school, students from Year 1 to Year 6 were engaging with our ‘Taking Charge’ program, rotating through different groups, mastering the core skills of independent, agile, resilient learners. All students in every stage completed a common, core program and syllabus, and our teachers delivered the learning as a collaborative team.   


This week students have been getting to know each other in new classes and developing great learning routines to help them work productively in class. Teachers have been focusing on setting students up for success; organising their classroom for maximum learning and ensuring that every student feels known and valued - and has a place in the class.


We are so proud of how well our Kindergarten students have started school. They are successfully settling into routines, expectations, and their new educational environments. Congratulations Kindergarten 2024 parents and families for working so well with us, to ensure such a great start to school. 


The school was able to form 21 classes this year with the current enrolment numbers. Forming classes is always a complex, time consuming and difficult process. At the end of 2023 the leadership team and staff worked tirelessly on placing students in classes. With the student numbers and the teaching allocations - stage classes had to be formed. This has been common practice at our school. All teachers are able to differentiate the learning for students and provide positive educational outcomes.


At the ‘Meet The Teacher’ afternoons in week 5, teachers will talk to parents/carers about the class and how they will operate over the year. We thank all families and students for their understanding and support with class formations and we all look forward to another wonderful year of learning opportunities at SSPS.



26 February


 27 February


28 February


 29 February


 (Early Stage 1)

Years 3 & 4 

(Stage 2)

Years 5 & 6 

(Stage 3)

Years 1 & 2

 (Stage 1)


I would like to welcome Ms Yinge Ke to the SSPS teaching community and welcome back Mrs Angie Board. It is great to have them at our school and I am sure they feel very welcome and part of the SSPS community.