Assistant Principals' Report

This week our Year 3 and Year 5 students started NAPLAN by completing the Writing test. The NAPLAN testing window will run until Monday 25th March and students will complete four tests in total.
- Writing
- Reading
- Conventions of Language (spelling, punctuation and grammar)
- Numeracy
Students will complete all the tests online, except for the Year 3 Writing test and catch up sessions will be provided for students who miss tests.
Next week students will use their iPads to complete their remaining tests. It is essential that parents ensure that their child comes to school with their iPad fully charged and a set of headphones. Ideally headphones should plug in rather than be blue tooth. Please see the checklist below for all iPad requirements.
If you have any questions about your child participating in NAPLAN, please contact your child’s teacher.
In Terms 1 and 4, Primary Years students must wear a HGC bucket hat during recess and lunchtime as well as during any outdoor activities. HGC caps are not to be worn by students in the Primary Years.
Bike shorts and short sports shorts are not part of the HGC uniform and are not to be worn as an outer garment at school. They can be worn under the HGC dress for modesty purposes.
Please label all clothing items, stationery items and lunch boxes, drink bottles and containers with your child’s name. Even with the best of intentions, items get left behind in the playground and classroom and a name on an item is the fastest way we can return a missing item to its rightful owner.
All students will receive an Interim Report for this term. Reports will be available to parents and guardians via Compass on Tuesday 26th March. These reports will provide information on your child's work habits during class time and specialist classes.
Foundation students will not receive an Interim Report while they are focusing on settling into school, building relationships and learning the routines and expectations.
Parent & Carer/Teacher Conferences will be held via video conferencing (webex) on Wednesday 27th March, between 11.00am and 7.00pm. Bookings are not yet open but will be made via Compass. These interviews are an opportunity to discuss how your child has settled into the new school year, their strengths and goals that they are working on in the classroom.
Please note, Wednesday is a variation to the school day. Classes will not be held, however, students are expected to attend the Interviews with their parents or carers.
Last year our Year 5's designed a new playground space in the Primary Years as we transition our Year 5's and 6s to the Primary years structure. The great news is that this is currently under construction! We are hoping to open this space for students in Term 2, once the equipment, safety features and garden is completed.