First Steps Centre

Term 4 Dates:

  • Sunday 26th November: Kinder Family Christmas Party at Heatherdale Bowls Club
  • Wednesday 6th December: Whole school Christmas Concert 
  • BBQ available 4.30 - 6.00 only
  • Kinder Perform 5.30 - 5.45
  • School Perform 6.00- 7.30pm
  • Wednesday 13th December: Dharug last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)
  • Thursday 14th December: Marram and Gawarn last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)
  • Friday 15th December: Budja and Wimbi last day and Christmas concert. (more details to come)

Kinder Family Christmas Party


Our Three-Year-Old classes have been busy exploring with new found curiosity and skill! The increase in communication skills, co-operation, collaborative play and such a strong sense of purpose is incredible to witness and scaffold. 




It's been a week of exploring Celebrations, with many families participating in Diwali over the weekend, it was incredible to have so many families and children share this in their classes.  The children resonated with this learning, asking many questions and participating in opportunities such as: painting glass jars to make lanterns, creating Rangoli using coloured sand and petals and exploring the use of light and colour to create their own expression and celebrations. 


Extending from this, we began discussing Christmas, learning some songs for our concerts and sharing some prior knowledge during group discussions. 



Have an amazing weekend!

The Kinder Team