Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News:  Indonesian

Selamat Siang,


This term, Foundation students have been working on numbers one to ten and days of the week. You may have even seen the spectacular days of the week paper chain that came home last week!

In 1/2, students have been learning all about different forms of transport. In the last few sessions, students have begun investigating forms of transport that aren’t as common in Australia, such as the becak and bajai. It’s been so amazing for students to share their text to self connection and discuss experiences of transport from other countries!

3/4s have begun creating or building Rumah Adat in Indonesian, following on from looking at house vocabulary. You should be able to see their amazing portfolios of their Rumah Idaman (Dream House) on Seesaw, now!

In 5/6, students have begun creating a project that represents one of the eight celebrations we’ve learnt about this term. Students are demonstrating their leadership, creativity and time-management as they choose how they represent their celebration!




Terima Kasih, 


Marissa Mundy, Yana Gill, Treesje Butterworth, Emma McCoy, and  Stephanie Muratovic. 

Pupil of the Week:

Performing Arts

Junior:  Anisha S (1/2J)

For participating with great enthusiasm and displaying a love of learning whilst learning a whole song and dance.  Great work Anisha!


Senior: Ivy S (5/6L)

For attending Performing Arts with a positive attitude and being enthusiastic when giving new songs a go. Well done Ivy!

Physical Education

Junior: Linus T (1/2KD)

For always attending PE ready to learn and displaying a love of learning new skills every week.


Senior: Destiny L (5/6D)

For outstanding participation and willingness to learn new skills in the Cricket Victoria clinics.


Visual Arts

Junior: Hudson H (FK) 

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when designing your own watercolour festive light!


Senior:  Jeremy K (3/4W)

For demonstrating creativity and passion when designing your clay animal sculpture!


Junior: Charles T (FH)

For creating your flip-up day of the week poster with zest and enthusiasm. You show such leadership in your work and should be so proud of yourself! Hebat, Charles!


Senior:  Sofia L (5/6J)

For creating an incredible artistic mixed medium representation of a Balinese wedding! Bagus sekali, Sofia!


Junior: Ronav T (FB)

For designing a creative costume for his Grassy Head to travel home in. Keep up the watering, Ronav!


Senior: Ben O (5/6D)

For an enthusiastic approach and excellent team work in preparing for our debating topic on reverse extinction.