Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang 

What an exciting week filled with lots of fun events. Ending our week last week was the much anticipated Year 2 Sleepover. 

Here is an article written by Malia in 1/2H:

Last Friday Grade Two students took over MPRPS for a whole night! Friday to Saturday, that must be a lot of work for the teachers to organise. At 5:00pm Grade 2 students gathered in the hall where they set up their sleeping bags, pillows and mattresses. Everyone enjoyed a delicious sausage. After dinner we did fun activities. Some of the activities were: parachute with balls, board games/Lego, photo framing and colouring. We all got to eat ice cream after yummy! Finally we went back into the hall to get ready for the movie. Grade 2s had such a fun time and are ready for Year 3 camp!


This week we also had the opportunity to attend the World of Maths incursion which has been a long-time favourite event held at MPRPS. Students were able to participate various problem solving activities collaboratively. Thank you to those who came to volunteer their time to help the incursion run smoothly.

Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry
Guided Inquiry

We hope you have a fantastic week,

Mrs Hirvonen, Mrs Seadon, Mrs Moroney, Miss Molloy, Mrs Danes, Mrs Martin and Mr Jenkins

Student Voice

  • "I liked doing the pattern on the snakes because I liked the cobra." -Ryan H
  • "I liked all the activities at the Maths incursion because they were all so fun."               -Shiloh M
  • "I liked working together with my friends on the Maths activities." -Paige C
  • "The Year 2 Sleepover was so fun, I liked watching the movie." -Elliot H
  • "I loved playing games and decorating the photo frames at the Year 2 Sleepover."       -Abby N


  • Students all need to be wearing hats throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child has a named hat with them at school.
  • Please pack extra snacks/lunch in your child's lunchbox to ensure they have enough food for the whole day.

Pupil of the Week

1/2H: Abby N - For making meaningful text to self and text to text connections during our reading sessions. Well done Abby!


1/2J: Rebekah L - For using perseverance to improve your writing. You made sure to include paragraphs and your neatest writing in your newspaper article about the Year 2 Sleepover.


1/2KD: Glenn P- For your enthusiasm in writing your news article about the Year 2 Sleepover. You came up with a creative headline and added great detail. Well done on joining in with all of the activities and showing so much independence on the night!


1/2M: Marcus F - For showing bravery and independence at the Year 2 Sleepover. You participated in all activities with joy. Well done, Marcus! 


1/2SM:  Nawab P - For displaying perseverance and a love of learning. It has been wonderful to see your determination and progress particularly when reading. Amazing work Nawab!