Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang! 

Get your pencils out because it's time for writing! 

This week in the leadership centre, the 5/6 students have been working on a collaborative writing project called Group Narratives.

The first step of the process was obviously to get into groups; I mean you can't have a group narrative without the group, right? Once everyone had been selected into a group,the teams would choose an area to work and assign each other into five different categories to work on: a hero, a villain, a sidekick, a problem and a setting.

When every team had decided on the categories,the students would go on to brainstorm multiple different ideas for their chosen category (5 ideas per category, per team.) For example, one person would be coming up with the problems and motivations for the villain and hero meanwhile another person would be brainstorming the sidekicks that will accompany that hero on their journey.  

After writing down any ideas they had during the brainstorm,the students were then instructed to split up into their assigned categories to share their ideas with each other. After a while, the categories would return back to their original teams and propose their favourite idea or an idea that they thought would work with the rest of the narrative. Once everyone has established what they wanted, it was time to lay out a plan for the story. 

By Ivy H

This week’s update with the building Leadership Centre Economy comes to you with a property bubble operating at an all time high, legal fees jumping out left, right and centre, and the treasury department along with their bankers keeping a lid on inflation by handing out high interest business loans to all branch attendees. In our Earn and Learn lessons over the last two weeks, students alongside their business partners, have met with real estate agents to buy or rent out land, they’ve met with lawyers to sign contracts and they’ve met with bankers to sign a contract for a business loan - a great opportunity to build real life connection to business owners in the real world. Students have been highly engaged in all this process and can’t wait to begin business in a weeks time!

 Student Voice

  • "I really enjoyed the World of Maths incursion, because it was challenging in a fun way" -Jonny D
  • "I cant wait to start the MPRPS Leadership Centre economy because we are going to be able to buy stuff." - Blake F


  • Graduation photos
  • SunSmart hats and sunscreen
  • Tissues
  • Graduation tickets, rehearsal excursion information up on Sentral
  • Hats, sunscreen and water bottles as we enter the warmer months

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Amelia J

For using her creativity and love of learning when depicting a particular sentence in her role as Adventuring Artist during her groups Literature circle. Well done


5/6D:  Kayla S

You have demonstrated responsibility and a love of learning when working with your group in our Earn and Learn lessons to run your business. 


5/6GD: Jude P

For demonstrating enthusiasm, perseverance and focus when learning about algebra in Maths this week. 


5/6J: Rohaan M

For demonstrating a love of learning by using a positive attitude during classroom activities, sharing your ideas with your peers and using your inner coach to overcome challenges.


5/6L: Annabelle T

For selecting well thought out quotes and making insightful inferences as Literary Luminary during Literature Circle.