Principal's Message

Term 4 Week 6

Build News

The fencing goes up for our new build this week. This means Car Park 1 is now out of action and the school cannot be accessed via this car park. Information has been sent out to residents, a copy of which is included in the Important Information in this Newsletter. Although exciting, that we are finally starting the build there will be some adjustments as we become accustomed to the reduced access. The builders, JohnStaff have assured us that they will adjust the fencing and work with the school to support our activities across the time of the works.

Graduation Ceremony 

All of the information for this event is included in the Important Information section. We would also encourage families to include extended family and of course siblings as we have no restriction this year on how many family members can attend the ceremony.

Office Update

We welcome Louise Naismith from our internal Expressions of Interest and interviews conducted this week to take on the Administration Assistant role in the Office. With Louise moving out of the role of classroom support we have engaged additional Education Support staff and made adjustments to our ES timetable.

World Of Maths

We had our yearly World of Maths incursion this week. Students had the opportunity to explore a variety of hands-on maths problems that highlighted the maths that we do in our everyday lives. Working collaboratively, it was fantastic to see all students having a go, displaying a growth mindset and getting excited to share their learning with their peers and teachers. A very big thank you to the 48 parent helpers who assisted over the three days, it was greatly appreciated by staff and students. 

I.C.E Showcase

You are invited to the I.C.E Showcase!

When: Friday 24th November

Time: 2:45pm

Where: In the hall to begin, then moving into the Courtyard and 5/6 rooms 


Over the last two terms, the Senior School students have been busy exploring and investigating crafts and topics including calligraphy, dance chemistry, and animation (just to name a few). 

Come along to see their work presented in the I.C.E Showcase! Beginning in the hall at 2:45pm, we will have some live performance then you will be able to explore our static displays in the courtyard and 5/6 rooms.