Principal's Report

Tim Mulhall - Principal

Curriculum Days

  • Term 1 - Tuesday, 30th of January. This will mean that the first day of school for 2024 will be on the 31st of January.
  • Term 2 - Monday, the 6th of May for Berry Street Education Model Day 1.
  • Term 3 - Monday, the 2nd of September for Berry Street Education Model Day 2.
  • Term 4 - TBD

Grade 5 Leadership

This Friday, the 15th of December, during our end-of-day assembly, we will be introducing our 2024 Grade 6 School Leaders. This will be an exciting time for a select few of our students and equally a disappointing result for some others. 


We want to support all of our students to develop their leadership skills, and I hope that if you attend the assembly on Friday, you will help us celebrate all of our applicants for this year, successful or not.


Last Day of School

We are fast approaching the end of the year! Our last day of school will be on Wednesday, the 20th of December, and importantly, it will be a 1:30 pm finish.


School Council

I would like to acknowledge the enormous effort your school council has gone to this year to represent the community. This has been an atypical year for the group with many extra meetings and responsibilities to navigate the school through circumstances beyond its control. They have been dedicated to providing the best learning and wellbeing outcomes for all of the students at Marlborough Primary and should be celebrated for their efforts this year.


Parents Association

If you haven't read the Parents Association section of the newsletter, I encourage you to do so. Their fundraising efforts, along with the generosity of the community, have funded an impressive 19 extra Chromebooks across the school - a mighty effort! This kind of investment has a direct impact on the learning experiences available to our students.



We say goodbye to the following staff members at the end of the year:

  • Lee Watson 
  • Peter Moore 
  • Caroline Bowen 
  • David Kight

We thank each one of you for your service to the Marlborough community and wish you all the best with what is to come next. Many of you have already spoken to me about your appreciation for our departing teachers. I hope you can pass this on to them directly.


Celebrating Achievements

Some positive Marlborough news came across my desk earlier this week. Zach Flower, a previous student, was just awarded the Year 7 academic excellence award at Ringwood Secondary College. Congratulations to Zach on a wonderful achievement.


Happy Holiday Season

I wish you all a safe and happy holiday period. I hope you can enjoy time with family and friends. I, for one, am looking forward to spending my days enjoying imaginary play, reading books, visiting the beach, pool parties, and having movie nights with my kids. I've been assured by my 3-year-old that my calendar will be pretty full.


For those families that are departing, I wish you all the best in your new schools. 


For those of you who remain at Marlborough, I look forward to seeing you back next year for what promises to be an exciting year for the school.


Warm regards,


Tim Mulhall
