Classroom News

Year 6 - Cricket

Congratulations to the Grade 6 Boys Cricket Team who on Friday competed in the regional competition. The team played against schools from Craigieburn, Montmorency and Whittlesea. The team qualified for the third place playoff against Laurimar Primary which they won. Well done on the amazing effort!

SRC News - APS Crazy Hair Day

Hi Parents and Carers,

You might have seen all those wonderful hairstyles last Friday - they sure were crazy!

As you may recall we asked all the peers to bring a cold coin donation to go towards the Royal Children’s Hospital. We raised ... $285.10!!

Well done for raising SO much awareness!!

We would also like to thank you for your work with sending colours and diversity around the school and we hope that this taught your kids to always be themselves and never doubt who they are!

Yours sincerely,

The SRC Reps


Year 6 Poetry

Using Book Club as inspiration Year 6 students created poems to demonstrate understanding of their chosen text.



CECE: When You Reach Me


With yellow stains

And a mean glare

Pulsing veins

And a piercing stare


Jimmy’s sandwich store

Counting bread

It was a chore

But she didn’t care


Not earning money

Getting sodas instead

It was funny

She earned cheese and bread


Customers walk in

They order they’re done

Put the wrapper in the bin

Then eat the bun


For 40 minutes they work

They slave

They perk

Then at the end of lunch, it’s class time


Angus and Jack: Cop and Robber


There once was kid named Nash

His father was a piece of trash

They got in a fight

And were given quite a fright

They can’t say or they’ll be given a bash




He had a Mum and a Dad

His Dad was very sad

His Mum was a Cop

Who put baddies to a stop

And are now in debt of an old comrade


Detention: Emily


Detention is a book about

How Sima has to get out

Dan found a dog he needs to help

But the dog just wants to yelp

Sima is getting chased

And it has been a big race


Sima has to get to Leeton

But she is scared she might get beaten

Dan wants to help her out 

But he also has some doubt

That they were out of luck

When disaster struck


And a lockdown started

Everything parted

The teacher is helping

But someone might be telling

And the police might have some information.


Dean and Evan T: Rivers of Ink


There was a boy who woke up in a river


He was about to wither


But he just got to the city


And started hitting the gritty


Looking for food up and down


Side to side all around 


When he reached the hospital…


Cloud And Wallfish - Ballad - Olivia


There was a boy from the USA 

Who was forced into East Germany

A place where everywhere is oh so grey

And you can never act fearfully


Identity stripped, all dull and bare

Who could be less sad

A life of lies beyond compare

Nothing will make him glad


Noah missed his life back at his home

Where he could attend school

A place where he could freely roam

And might be seen as cool


Identity stripped, all dull and bare

Who could be less sad

A life of lies beyond compare

Nothing will make him glad


All throughout his misery 

Noah met a girl named cloud

This year could be history

He might make someone proud


Identity stripped, all dull and bare

Who could be less sad

A life of lies beyond compare

Nothing will make him glad


When cloud faces the death of two

She falls into depression

They draw on a map, all brand-new

And find their new obsession


Identity stripped, all dull and bare

Who could be less sad

A life of lies beyond compare

Nothing will make him glad



Two Wolves - Frankie


‘Pride, jealousy, greed’

‘Kindness, hope, truth’

A constant contradictory

The pummelling essence of two wolves.


The raging temperament of a devil

Penetrating and staining

The subtle purity of an angel.


If the virtuous integrity is nurtured,

It will thrive, flourish and conquer.


If the vehement violence is stoked,

It will crush, destroy, and triumph.


Who will win?

Who will you feed?


Charlie & Miles: A Ballad - The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


Bruno lived in Berlin.

He really liked it there.

Bruno moved to ‘Out With’

He became filled with despair.


The boy in the striped pyjamas.

It really is quite sad.

I didn't live back in those days.

But I guess I'm kinda glad.


Bruno made a swing.

And fell off onto his hand.

He got it mended up

and started to search the land.


The boy in the striped pyjamas.

It really is quite sad.

I didn't live back in those days.

But I guess I'm kinda glad.


Bruno found a boy called Shmuel.

He thinks he has a new best friend.

They talked a lot about their lives.

I think they'll be together till the end.


The boy in the striped pyjamas.

It really is quite sad.

I didn't live back in those days.

But I guess I'm kinda glad.


Bruno wants to be an explorer.

He is really quite brave,

Bruno loves to search the land, 

But could that lead him to his grave?


The boy in the striped pyjamas.

It really is quite sad.

I didn't live back in those days.

But I guess I'm kinda glad.



Seth & Logan - River of Ink


The boy of the river

He’s a mystery to all

He started to quiver

And he started to crawl


He woke up in the city

Walking on the street

His heart sank into pity

With nothing to eat


He walked around town

Looking at the paint

Everything was brown

And he started to faint


He was in the hospital

A doctor in sight

He felt very little

He woke up with fright


Got moved to a home

Made a new friend

The house, shaped like a dome

And he started to mend


But with nothing from his past life

It was hard to see if he was right

He might have had a wife

Or he might have been a knight


But no one knows who he is

Not even him

He doesn’t know is what he says

Because he climbed from the river brim


Will he figure everything out?

Or will it be a mystery?

He always seems in doubt

He knows nothing about his history