Principal Update

Melissa Mackenzie

Last Sunday I attended the Out of Hours Music Program concert. This was an opportunity for all students who learn an instrument to perform in front of family and friends. It is such a delight to watch and listen to them perform. 

Overcoming nerves, showing courage and being positive were all characteristics I saw and felt proud of. I have asked a few students to play at assembly this week and hope they will share their talents with the whole school. 


The Year 2’s are very excited as they are ‘sleeping’ at school tonight. The teacher’s have planned many fun activities for this experience and fingers crossed that enough sleep is had so tomorrow can be enjoyed as well. This is the first overnight experience the school offers and is often the first experience of students being away from home in a large group. 


Our Writer’s and Art festival is next Wednesday from 3:45-5:45pm. All students will have art and writing displayed for you to view and read. The afternoon also involves a hunt around to answer questions. We welcome all families to come for a short while or stay for the whole time. The purpose is to share the amazing art and writing our students produce. 


Have a lovely week

Melissa Mackenzie
