PFA News

Family Run4Fun Colour SPLAT-acular 

Last Friday we held the 2023 "Colour Splatacular" fun run and what an amazing event it was!  There was so much colour and so many smiles, from kids and parents!  


What a result...

We are excited to confirm we made a profit of over $14,000 from this event, which will go towards additional student seating around the school - 8 new benches for the 4 outdoor tables and 2 friendship seats for the playground. These were suggestions put forward by the Student Representative committee. 

Congratulations to all the students who did an incredible job of fundraising. A special mention goes to the top classes & students: 

Prep HM = $6,930 Shay Harding (PHM) = $3,220 
Prep EJ = $2,780 Mila Matutini (PHM) = $1,170 
3 JM = $1,545 Zachary Smith (PHM) = $805 
Prep KM = $1,500 Aaron Salita (1JC) = $530 
2 CA = $1,400 Poppy Georgiadis (2CA) = $485  

With much thanks....

  • thank you to our many  volunteers....we could not have done it without you! There are too many to name, so for those who helped, a massive THANK YOU! 
  • Thanks to Mark from Hodges Real Estate, Chelsea donated the amazing billboard out the front of our school & very kindly donating $500 towards first aid & sunscreen station, and supplying the kids with Zooper Dooper at the end of their race! 
  • Thank you to Lauren Thompson who did an amazing job of taking photos for our event. All whilst carrying her toddler on her back! 
  • Thank you to Srijana Shakya who took each wave through a warmup before they ran. She joined us on her birthday! 
  • A huge thank you also to the teachers who gave the event time leading up to and on the day - especially Tanya Stefanec, Carmel Stutterd and Dean Andrews. I think the kids particularly liked having the opportunity to slime Mrs Stutterd! 
  • Finally, a massive thank you and well done to our amazing event organising committee who spent months planning and organising to put this event on. Thank you Tanya Jhoomun, Meagan Baker, Matt Currie, Kristin Bell, Gabriella Carrazzo, Nicola McGuire and Clare Burrow.  

The prizes will be here soon...

For all those who raised funds, the prizes will be arriving in the next few weeks and will be distributed to the students.  


Thank you all again for such a fun and successful colour run! 

The 2023 colour run organising committee.  

Gaga Pit 

At the start of 2023, Monique Jeffrey (as the PFA President) and the PFA put out a survey to the parents to find out what they wanted the PFA funds to go towards. 

Many of you said you wanted to see new play equipment for the kids and the idea of a Gaga pit was suggested (feel free to Google what these are, as we didn’t know). 

Well, we listened, and we were very proud to officially open the new Gaga pit during the colour run. 

Many thanks to Tanya Stefanec’s Dad, Peter, who helped build the pit for the kids to enjoy!!