....the back page..

uHi all


This week our juniors have been doing a boit of target practice.  In the drill in the picture above we have to throw a ball ionto a hula hoop to advance to the next level.  If we miss, we just try again until we are successful.  The hula hoops get further away each time we go on the next level.  We can choose our own ball from a marble to a volleyball, a football to porcupine ball.  We can swap balls when ever we want to.


Our middle and senior students played a game of indoor t-ball thanks to Melbourne's start to a lost summer.


On Monday 12th December, our Years 3, 4 and 5 students will be traveling to the Mentone Aquatic Centre for our Intra-school swimming carnival.  It's a great venue but unfortunately only has 250 seats.  So, unlike our athletics and cross country, we can not have spectators.   We have two more training sessions next week on Tuesday and Thursday starting at 7am at the Toby Haenan Pool.


Yours in Sport

Dean Andrew