Kitchen Garden Program Update

Last month in the kitchen we explored in season produce by making a trio of dips. Students worked together to make carrot dip, white bean dip and hummus. We also had our first experience using the pasta maker to roll out dough to make lavosh which was seasoned with rosemary, salt and sesame seeds. 

Lavosh is a thin, crunchy Middle Eastern flat bread that's delicious for a picnic or nibble. We served the dip and crisp bread with a selection of fresh green crudites including cucumber, celery, asparagus, and we all had a chance to taste the kohlrabi which we grew in the garden.  

You can find the recipes from last month on the links below;

Bee update

We are currently getting the beehive ready for our new six-legged friends. We have selected a secluded location, away from play areas and the Year 3/4s are putting the final touches on the decorations. A huge thanks for Matt for ordering the hive and helping us organise the bees and Bede and Simon for putting the flow hive together during the last working bee. 

We are also looking for a group of parents to help us keen an eye on the hive and care for our new enrolments. It won’t take a big time commitment and you get to wear a snazzy suit and receive training and resources to learn a new skill and look after the SKiPPS hive!


If you would like to be involved, could you please email Allison or Chantel. We would really love some support and if our efforts are successful, we can pay you in honey! 


Thank you

This month in kitchen Garden we have started making delicious veggie burgers and salads in our Kitchen Sessions (recipes and photos to come soon). 

We would like to thank the Grain Emporium, a delicious bakery owned by SKiPPS parents Alex Moscon and Elisa Casagrande for donating the bread buns for these sessions.