Assistant Principals
Ms Loreto Cannon
AP: Engagement, Operations and Community
Every school year seems to end as it begins... much to do. This year has been no different. The first year that the entire school has rolled into Headstart two weeks before the end of the school year. The Year 8s had their annual beach walk (the weather held for it!), many of the 2023 Year 9s began undertaking a VCE subject, awards were presented and we welcomed the Grade 6s to Orientation Days.
Best wishes to our class of 2023 with their upcoming results.
A few reminders:
The 2024 school year commences for Year 7 students on Thursday 1st February (school buses will operate), and Years 8-12 on Friday 2nd February. It is school photos day, so students need to be in a non-PE uniform please, including the blazer.
As this is the final news for the year, I would like to wish all students and families a blessed Christmas and a wonderful new year season.
Stay safe and we will see you all again, happy and healthy, in 2024.
Best wishes.
Ms Emma Neville & Ms Samantha Powell
AP: Students
This year our students have taken part in a range of activities to promote and support their well-being:
- Peer Support
- Empower Me
- Year 7 & 8 Lunchtime activities
- Personal Development Days
- Black Dog Institute Mental Health Survey
- Holiday Program
Our Student Leaders have had another successful year of bringing activities and raising awareness to their peers. We thank them for their commitment to the college and for their Leadership.
This year we welcomed Scout (our therapy dog) to the College who students and staff enjoy visiting when he comes in each week!!
We acknowledged Harmony Day by celebrating the diversity amongst our community through a week of 'Yourversity' which was a great celebration of individual diversity and acknowledging our cultural diversity.
Brigidine Day was magical with the theme of celebrating 100 years of Disney. Best of all we raised over $3,000.00 for our school charities!!! Thank you everyone for your involvement in the day!
During Pastoral time and at lunchtime we acknowledged 'National Day of Action against Bullying' and challenged our students to make a pledge against bullying in person and online explaining the important role that bystanders have.
The holidays can be an exciting time for some of our students but for others they miss being at school and the connections with their friends. In preparation for the summer break we spoke to students about preparing for the break and discussed strategies of staying connected and engaged in activities at home.
We encourage our students to check out the Holiday Program of the City of Greater Dandenong. They offer free and very low cost activities which are a great opportunity for our students. Visit: for info.
Finally, we continue to encourage our students to seek help if needed. Please see below a list of services for our young people to engage with over the holidays if they, their friends or family need support.
Peter O’Neill
Assistant Principal: Faith and Mission
I would like to offer a final thank you to all families who have contributed to the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project baskets in every homeroom. Your generosity means so much to the people they support. Sister Brigid from BASP spoke to all students about their work several weeks ago. I’m sure she will be impressed with our wonderful haul of goods. Homerooms came up with all sorts of creative ways to raise these donations so I congratulate the homeroom teachers and their students on their efforts.
This week we began to celebrate the Advent period and started with prayers addressing the five themes of Advent: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Light. Hope is the first theme and it is appropriate that the donations you have given provide for those in real need this Christmas. Our theme for next year is also Hope. The people of Israel hoped for a mighty leader who would take them from Roman occupation to freedom. Instead, Jesus offered Hope to the outcast, the oppressed and those who were excluded. Hope is the belief that despite our circumstances things can get better. Jesus offered that hope to all who came to him seeking better times. Over the Christmas period, we hope that you can experience some of one of the great Advent themes. May the peace and love of Jesus be with you all over the summer holiday and we hope you can experience some of the joy that Christmas offers by being a light of hope for each other.
Stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you all back in 2024.